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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. No argument here.
  2. Haha! But why deprive yourself?
  3. Head-to-head is the first tiebreaker but does not apply to the Bills and Broncos since they didn't face each other this year. Next would be conference record, so you're right. Assuming the Bills win their remaining four games to get in, their AFC conference record would be 6-6. Denver would have to lose two of their remaining four games (all of which are AFC tilts) to finish 9-7. This scenario renders the conference records meaningless, obviously. Currently, the Broncos are 4-4 vs. the AFC. If they end up 10-6 then they would be 7-5 in the conference by virtue of their 3-1 finish vs. the AFC. This would give them the tiebreaker over the Bills (6-6 in conference). To sum up, the Broncos need to lose two more for the Bills to beat them out.
  4. I fail to see how this proves that you're not "losing it".
  5. Not too risky if you have a competent, top notch medical team to back up your pick(s).
  6. (LOL) Dude, are you schizo?? http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=11893 (check out your last two posts )
  7. What do you care? The Bills aren't going to win out with Bledsoe anyway, right?
  8. Throw my vote into the Jerry Butler column, as well.
  9. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. I don't think a Jest collapse is unlikely...I just think the needed scenarios playing out with the other three teams is more likely. Anyway, who cares whether or not the Jest collapse as long as three of those four fall apart.
  10. Cripes, ICE! Why do you watch? Do you get any enjoyment out of the games?? The game wasn't pretty but was exciting as hell. Maybe you should stick to following the Sooners. Oh yeah, :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: for making me agree with T-Bone!
  11. Speaking of which...did you happen to see the header that CBS put up after Moulds ran his reverse for a loss of one yard? It said "David Boston: 1 Run, -1 Yard". Brilliant!
  12. Agreed. Plus, why not focus on the two 7-5 teams and the 6-6 team ahead of you rather than the 9-3 team?
  13. Thanks again, Lori. You can never see this too much! NB was also on 'NFL Network' the week the Bills played @ NE and talked about his fantasy football team ("Love Handle Nation") while sporting a home DB jersey. He read his Bills vs. 'felons "Tale of the Tape". Great stuff!! B)
  14. I am one of those guilty of ceding a spot to the Jest even though they haven't impressed me this year. I can see your point...I just think that the other scenarios are more likely than the Jest losing three games. Either they totally collapse or get smoked in the first round of the playoffs.
  15. I agree that the Bills should win this game going away but who the hell thought that Oakland could win in Denver in the SNOW with everything to lose for the Broncos and nothing to gain for the Raiders? I hope the Bills players don't start reading their own press clippings a get complacent. If you don't focus on the game at hand then you lose in the NFL, plain and simple. Think Terry Robiskie wants to win this game?
  16. I agree. I can't stand the Stillers and found pulling for them to be against every fibre of my being. I'll have a similar sick feeling pulling for the dolfelons over the Broncos next week.
  17. Excellent post, Kelly. Bottomline: If the Bills run the table and finish 10-6 then DB SHOULD be the starter in '05, regardless of whether or not they make the playoffs. If the Bills drop a game then the JP era begins.
  18. Can we please focus on Cleveland first?? This team is in a one week playoff from here on out and have been since the Rams game. No matter what happens, the Bills are going to need help to get in...let's just see how it plays out. Denver is a team lacking confidence heading down the stretch with two brutal losses in a row. Right now I'm just thankful that the Bills are playing meaningful games this late in the season. It sure makes things a lot more fun!
  19. Nice post and well summarized. I have already conceded one of the Wildcards to the Jest. As you said, the Bills must win out which means that Cincy would be gone. The Ravens & Broncos both have tough schedules and could easily lose two of their remaining four (Ravens: @Indy & @ Pit?; Broncos: a different team on the road- @KC & @ Ten?). The Jags won't win out, regardless- too many close to the vest games (loss @ GB?). I totally agree that if the Bills run the table and lose @ home to PIT with the playoffs on the line, then they didn't deserve it anyway. No matter what happens, it's just great to be watching meaningful Bills games this late in the season!
  20. It was lame...very disappointing. 42-32 and there were minimal highlights and about 30 seconds worth of coverage before they rushed into the next game. I expected much more. I think either this game or the CIN/BAL game are the obvious choices for the 'NFL Network Game of the Week'.
  21. Last line of the article (in reference to his contract): "I laid out a lot of the terms." Is this code for the front office? As a Met fan, I was disappointed that she didn't mention the fans in her revenge scheme!
  22. I know...thank her for me, will ya?
  23. Wow! This is a slam dunk but I'm going to leave it alone...
  24. If you're "in" shouldn't it already be taking place?!
  25. Wow! That's saying something coming from a guy with a bag over his head!
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