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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. I think that last week showed McGee's play is "slipping".
  2. Ditto. Department of Defense - civilian (2001-present)
  3. Many thanks to the people past, present, and future who protect(ed) our cherished freedoms. God bless.
  4. Great post! My sons are 4 and 2. The older one, especially, may be getting into sports in the next year or so. I'll encourage them in whatever they choose...if it's sports, great. If not, that's fine too. I just fear that too many parents and coaches today lose sight of what it means for kids to play sports. These kids (and, evidently, the parents) need to learn how to win and lose gracefully and play within the team concept. When you're that young it shouldn't be all about winning and losing. ICE, I think you handled that situation about as well as could be expected, under the circumstances. Kudos. BTW, don't let the guy's comments get to you. There's an old saying that I try to live by: 25% of the people you meet will like you for the wrong reasons. 25% of the people you meet will like you for the right reasons. 25% of the people you meet will dislike you for the wrong reasons. 25% of the people you meet will dislike you for the right reasons. It's only the last 25% that should concern you.
  5. I don't think so...even if it could be accomplished from a salary cap standpoint, it would be a PR nightmare for SD. They had a chance at Robert Gallery who could have protected Brees and sprung LT for years and instead ended up taking Rivers with, in essence, the first overall pick all the while with Brees in the fold. Their front office would look totally inept. As for Brees, I think that Dallas makes a lot of sense, unless they are totally sold on Drew Henson. I think the dulfelons make a serious play for him but not the Packers. Favre will be around for a couple more years (barring maybe a SB win), IMHO.
  6. I'm all for moving Vincent to S and letting McGee mature into a good CB...but not this week. I don't want TV "experimenting" on Sunday against the Putz.
  7. I was thinking the same thing. He could contact former HOF voter (and huge RW supporter) Larry Felser. Felser, no doubt, still has plenty of connections at 'The Buffalo News' and around the NFL. He'd probably have some good ideas as to the best place or most effective way to start this grass roots campaign.
  8. It's still on but it's on life support, IMHO. A couple of Empire Sports Reports a day are the only reason for watching. Sad, what was once a lifeline of Bills and Sabres news (especially for us out-of-towners) is a mere shell of its former self and ready to flatline. Howard Simon's recent departure seems to be the final nail in the coffin.
  9. He wasn't, nor were any others. How the hell do you make a 'D' play honest with no WRs on the field??! Let's put 11 in the box and dare you to throw...to whom?????
  10. Ooops! Posted my above before seeing your reply...quit reading my mind! (I know...a short story, indeed).
  11. I blame MM for that and I was screaming at my TV...just horrible clock mismamagement. Seemed to me that DB kept looking to sideline for a play. I think that blunder is to be laid at the OC/HC's feet. I think MM had some questionable/bad calls during the game but the bottomline is that they won.
  12. Agreed; however, they made no mention of WM's run, just Abraham's "superb" play. Their timing, as mentioned in an earlier post, was just inappropriate/bad. Very one-sided, JMO.
  13. Thanks, I'll give it a try. The installer seemed genuine. He told me that he could mount the dish on the roof, if I wanted to, but didn't recommend it because there is potential for an eventual leak. He said it was my call and would do it if I wanted to do so. My wife wasn't jazzed about the idea, so I said no thanks. He left the old dish that was pointed at 35 degrees and barely clearing my trees. He said that the satellite was at 40 degrees. The local channels satellite was at something like 24 degrees which would not allow me to pick them up, so the new oval dish wasn't really an option.
  14. Because that's just not "sexy". NOBODY CIRCLES THE WAGONS LIKE THE BUFFALO BILLS!!!
  15. That's exactly what I'm talking about! On one play, WM ran for seven or eight yards and JA got back into the play and made the tackle. They went on and on like he was the best thing since sliced bread. Hey, morons...the Bills just blew him up for a major gain and he's getting buckets-'o-love??? WTF? The NY hype machine was in full effect.
  16. I don't have a problem with the Bills keeping him on the bench until recently. There's no harm in making sure he was fully healed...better safe than sorry and averting potential disaster.
  17. I don't have an issue with Simms...he's usually fair and he's certainly no Dan Dierdork. BTW, did anyone else notice how Enberg and, especially, Dierdork were fawning all over John Abraham and Jonathan Vilma??? Cripes, they must have needed a case of Altoids to get the taste of ASS out of their mouths!!!
  18. LOL. My first thought was how can an inanimate object be too loud??
  19. This has got to be one of the dumbest rules they ever came up with! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: I'm not in an NFL market and I pay a lot for the 'Sunday Ticket'. I should be able to see all of the games for which I pay. To make matters worse, I can no longer receive my local channels since the locals were dropped to a lower satellite orbit (don't have a clear, unobstructed view now) AND my local stations won't grant a freakin' waiver!! I watched the game "over the air", but this does not allow me my TiVO option and the signal is not as clear. I also have an issue with this because what if the game turns out to be a blowout and my local station decides to switch to another game?? Will the game pop back on DTV to view? Even so, it again makes taping/TiVOing an issue. Luckily, this was the first time this year that it's been an issue for me regarding the Bills, but I still feel cheated that some of the other games are blacked out. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: the greedy NFL bastards :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: the local stations
  20. I don't know if this has what you're looking for but it's a great site, nonetheless. http://www.jt-sw.com/football/
  21. Agreed! Where the fug is that worm Rudyc80??? What the hell is he going to say about Lee Evans now?! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Rudy: "I knew all along that he was the next coming of Randy Moss...blah, blah, blah..."
  22. I was told @ the Ravens game by a member of the Bills Backers that the Bills will be sporting an alternate red jersey in '05. (Sorry, no link )
  23. Yep...why not put a bengal tiger on your helmet (like on their sleeves)? They fugged it up the first time by only putting "BENGALS" on the old helmets and then followed up with the God awful Halloween unis. Putrid.
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