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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. "As God as my witness...I thought turkeys could fly." - Arthur Carlson That is one funny episode!
  2. I might be there with my brother...still checking on some potential snags. If I go, then Rich will definitely be there.
  3. It's never the wrong thread to mention DirecTV.
  4. Exactly. This isn't week five or six of an "ordinary" season. The Bills have been in playoff mode since the St. Louis game. They know what's potentially in front of them and that one more loss to anyone knocks them out. There's no room left for error. They'll approach all of these games as if their opponents are undefeated.
  5. I don't believe that they'll choose Clements. While they're intrigued by him and he's viewed as a chic choice, rumors persist that, when push comes to shove, they'll go with an "experienced" guy. Keep the faith.
  6. "Desperate" is the wrong word. They'll be playing "loose" in the role of spoiler because, realistically, they're not getting in at 9-7.
  7. ...and the Bengals. ...and the 49ers. Take the games lightly and you don't need to worry about the Stillers.
  8. Don't worry...law of averages. He's bound to get one right.
  9. That's Lonnie friggin' Johnson, to you.
  10. Ahhhhhhhhhh, nostalgia.
  11. Ditto. Brain-farting minds think alike.
  12. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...
  13. Agreed (although I won't turn down either one ).
  14. Hey, stop stealing my material! I beat you to it by two posts.
  15. I thought...therefore I was.
  16. Or you could get a quieter purple thingy.
  17. Oh...I thought they wanted Lori Loughlin. Never mind...
  18. This is why Campy is one of my favorite posters on this board. More often than not his posts are intelligently and rationally thought out. He can recognize and admit the team's shortcomings without the doom and gloom and personal attacks that so many seem prone to spewing. There is nothing wrong with being optimistic...that's a far cry from being a rose-colored "homer". Campy, being that you are in VA Beach and I in Richmond, I hope to one day be able to meet you and talk Bills football. BTW - I think that Joe has seen the error of his ways.
  19. Good God...chill out already! BTW, it's THEMSELVES, not THEMSELFS. I don't think you're in any position to be calling anyone a moron.
  20. Nitpicking here, but... The CABOOSE had the square wheels... "You eat what you LIKE and I'll eat what I LIKE."
  21. Happy Belated Birthday to you both! A victory over the hated Fish sure was the icing on the cake, huh?
  22. Must have missed it...consider this your due recognition.
  23. He also hasn't hosted the last couple of shows for 'The Eric Moulds Show'. Hmmmmmmmmm....................
  24. Yet another tidbit: back-to-back road wins!
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