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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. Funny, I woudn't have taken you for a food lover. Mine is fresh strawberries.
  2. Least: 65.4 Best: 322.9
  3. Hey, big guy! Slow weekend or just killing time 'til this evening?
  4. I'm right there with you...they've installled a new firewall at work and I can't access the message boards, only the main TBD page. Although I've been much busier at my job lately and would've had less time to post, it's still frustrating to have computer access but not site access. Due to other commitments, it's often difficult to get here in the evenings or weekends...there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day.
  5. Envy is one of the 'Seven Deadly Sins'. Maybe you should have tried harder to suck up to 'the clique'. BTW, you shouldn't hate (whaddup, Rich?!).
  6. "Freak" is the key word. He usually plays in such weird, off-beat roles that it tends to hurt him and he gets overlooked. He is a great actor with wide range.
  7. Agreed. I don't like QC because he's not the right fit behind a rookie QB. He's not experienced enough to be a mentor and his baggage/personal issues are more than a little bothersome. I'd rather have an experienced, battle tested vet.
  8. buftex, I agree, 100%. Three wins?? The defense alone is good for six. See 2003. There is no doubt that there will be a learning curve for JP. How quickly he picks up on it will likely be the difference in making or missing the playoffs in '05. Call me crazy, but I'd also like to see how free agency, the draft, mini camps, training camp, and preseason go before condemning or praising this team. For the record, color me "cautiously optimistic".
  9. I never really had a nickname growing up but several people near and dear (and not so) to me did. My father's cousin used to call my brother 'Stinky' when we were kids due to my bro's gaseous propensities! As a kid, my sister had long Marcia Brady-esque hair. Her name is Sherry so we shortened it to 'Hair' (as in Sh-hair-ry)...it then morphed into 'The Hare'. My best friend as a kid was named Gary. Everyone called him 'Chip' except this one guy that called him 'Twinky' after 'Twinky The Kid' on the Hostess snack box. I'm not quite sure how that nickname came about. A guy we hung out with in high school had the last name Winckler. We used to rag on him unmercilessly. Eventually, when anyone would do something stupid we'd say: "You're such a Winckler." But my favorite of all time is another guy (not a friend) that went to high school with us. I can't remember his real first name since no one used it, but I think it was Charles or something. His last name was Dyke and the first name he went by was...no joke, the God's honest truth...Butch. That's right, Butch Dyke!!!
  10. I'm with you...I was also a huge Braves fan. My brother and I would huddle around the radio at night and listen to Van Miller call the games. Bob McAdoo, Randy Smith, Billy Knight, Ernie DiGreggorio...(sigh). John Y. Brown ripped out my heart when he moved the team and I have never forgiven the NBA and have no interest in it whatsoever. If the NHL were to contract the Sabres, that league would be dead to me as well.
  11. I was a city mail carrier from '89 - '98 and hated it, although many people I know like(d) it. On the other hand, I worked in the accounting department from '98 - '01 and loved it.
  12. My four year old son has been playing Sonic The Hedgehog and some other low level games in daycare. I dug out the old Nintendo system figuring that he would like Super Mario Brothers. I was wrong...he loves it!
  13. Q: What do Michael Jackson and K-Mart have in common? A: They both have little boys pants half off.
  14. Yep...and it absolutely sucks!
  15. Are you out of the Buffalo market? If so, DirecTV is the only way to go since they are the only one that carries the NFL Sunday Ticket.
  16. A young 41/m (see sig)
  17. McGahee just completed the second year of a five year contract. I believe the same goes for Spikes...not sure about Fletcher. Clements' contract is up after the '05 season.
  18. It's not over for me, yet. We have to travel to Raleigh, NC to see my wife's Dad & his wife...leaving tomorrow afternoon and returning home by kickoff of the Bills game. THEN it will be over.
  19. I just want the Bills to get in...once you're in the playoffs, all bets are off. You have to beat the best to be the best, anyway.
  20. Then ask him if he'll still pull for the LA Vikings? They'll complement another former Minneapolis team well (the Lakers), don't you think? Fargincorksoaker.
  21. Yep. I can't change my avatar now, although more cowbell is always welcomed!
  22. So you're saying that they both are actually ICE in disguise?
  23. Thanks for beating me to the punch. That would have been my choice but it was not given as an option. Sooooooooooo, I'll go off the board again and say the Pittsburgh Pirates.
  24. Stop worrying about this game. At some point you have to relax and have confidence in the team. People have been saying that they're worried about this game or that game since the victory over the Rams. With two games left and no wiggle room left, the Bills will not let down. They've remained focused for five weeks and will continue to do so this week. It will all come down to the Stillers game on the 2nd and some divine intervention on the part of some other clubs. Enjoy the ride...GO BILLS!
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