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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. A full size replica helmet like the one in my avatar (I already had a full size replica with the standing red buffalo and an authentic full size red helmet with the charging buffalo) and a new Bills flag for flying proudly outside the house.
  2. Both full...thanks for the heads up on the phone the other day.
  3. So you do understand me.
  4. At least you'll get your money's worth...please tell me that they include anyone/everyone from 'American Idol'. Except, of course, William Hung...he is a true star.
  5. Wow! That was tough to get through. No, excruciating. Do yourself a favor and cancel your subscription. I was a long time subscriber myself but let mine expire several years ago. I see that they are still sliding down that slippery slope of crappy journalism. I saw the beginning of the end when they hired a local hack from the Richmond paper to be their Deadskins correspondent (Paul Woody). He has the same role in the paper here and he is awful...even a good friend of mine who is a diehard 'skins fan can't stand the guy. BTW, if/when you cancel, be sure to tell them that it is because of their pathetically laughable coverage of the NFL. But then, what can you expect from the self-proclaimed "Bible of baseball".
  6. I can see the headlines now: "Buffalo Bills fan murders washed up, homosexual singer in basement". Thanks a lot, Thai...yet another kick in the crotch by the national media to us Bills fans.
  7. Right. Radiomargaritaville is great! I should have checked the board before heading up...what section were you guys in? We were in B6.
  8. Good point. Do with him what you will.
  9. You had me at goat...
  10. You should know since you've got them, er, him tied up in your cellar. (Damn, did I just type that out loud?)
  11. Funny you should say that...as soon as we pulled into the parking lot and set up our tailgate, I could smell wacky weed blowing in from somewhere behind our spot. It didn't last long and I didn't smell any the rest of the night...or maybe I just caught a "contact high". Seriously, there was a lot of beer and tequila (especially on our part) but the weed is more the scene of 'Deadheads' or 'Phish' followers.
  12. Sorry, Lori...haven't been around much, lately. I just saw the issue in 'Barnes & Noble' today and thought I'd share. You'd think that a publication as old as 'TSN' would check the validity of their writers and make sure they do a little research before letting them post such unintelligent drivel. Needless to say, they didn't get my money...I have plenty of toilet paper at home.
  13. POOJ, the concert was awesome, as usual. The weather was very comfortable once the sun went down. Nissan Pavilion is one of my favorite venues to see him...I have no interest in going to one of the "big stadium" shows. Hopefully, this is the only year he does this and is just cashing in on the crossover country success of 'License To Chill'. Personally, I'd like to see him go back to playing the much more intimate amphitheatres like Nisssan. If you go to Philly, let me know how you like it.
  14. This is how 'The Sporting News' see the AFC East in 2005: 1) New England: 10-6 2) NJ Jest: 9-7 3) dulfelons 8-8 4) Buffalo 4-12 I don't put much stock in these publications whether they rate the Bills poorly or not. I like to check them out just to see how much football accumen they might have. Wins and losses are hard to predict but these predictions give an overall indication of how they are "gauging" teams. I wouldn't have even had an issue with their standings had they at least had the Bills in the 8-9 win range, but four??? Sure they lost a solid but injury prone LT in JJ and a great run stuffing tackle on the wrong side of 30 in PW and they have essentially a rookie QB who will make his share of mistakes but can't possibly do any worse than the ultimate law-of-diminishing-returns QB, Drew Bledsoe. The Bills still have a top 5 defense and the returning #1 special teams unit in the NFL. The Jest have a dicey armed, injury plagued QB, a RB with another year of mileage on his extemely well worn tires (with no proven backup) and a shaky receiving corps...the dulfelons still have the same tandem of lame QBs, a possible returning disruption in Ricky Williams, a rookie RB, no offensive line, and a rookie head coach. Yet these two rate as 5 and 4 wins better than the Bills, respectively? I don't know who's running the football show over at 'TSN' but I have lost what little respect I still had for them. Sad how a once decent mag has turned into a pathetic rag.
  15. I like where I live. Why should I put it down?
  16. Maybe Tyson confused McBride for Chandler Bing and was just trying to remove a "nubbin".
  17. As I said to Ramius, congratulations on a truly insignificant milestone (only a little less insignificant because of the cowbell).
  18. Congratulations on a truly insignificant milestone.
  19. Oh well, hope it didn't ruin your day. Happy belated BD, BF.
  20. Why bother with these morons? They're like the kid in school who teases because he knows it gets to you. If you ignore him and he realizes that he can't get a rise out of you, he becomes bored and stops. Same with these a$$clowns. Act like you don't care...smile and walk away. All that matters is that you know they're wrong.
  21. I think it's his brother, Dan.
  22. My kingdom, my kingdom for the Empire Sports Network! (Fug the Rigas's!!!!! )
  23. Yeah, I'm sure you got picked on a lot, you big ox. I was in college during that stretch. I remember during the '84 season I sat next to a guy in German class who was a Dallas fan. He wasn't obnoxious, but he managed to get his digs in about my beloved Bills. The Bills played the Cowboys in week twelve at Rich Stadium. Going in, Buffalo was 0-11 and Dallas was 7-4. Greg Bell ran wild and had over 200 yards and the Bills got their first victory of the season, 14-3. Man was that sweet! It made my whole season...that guy could barely face me in class and didn't say stevestojan about the Bills the rest of the year!
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