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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. Amen. How the hell can you answer that question without a body of work (in the NFL) from either guy???
  2. Cripes, tater...that's like 50,000 grams of sodium. You must be a walking salt lick (uh oh...did I just type that out loud?).
  3. Ahhhhhhh, yes. The obligatory what-will-happen-to-the-Bills-when-Ralph-croaks thread. Welcome to the board.
  4. A 'Waffle House' favorite: "Scattered, Smothered, and Covered........in Blood".
  5. That would pretty much seal the deal for you guys as the city of dumbass sports names wouldn't it? Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, LA Lakers, LA Clippers, and last, but not least, the Buffalo Bills of Los Angeles.
  6. God speed! I had neck surgery in March for a herniated disc but I didn't get the "pleasure" of morphine.
  7. Bingo! I kept trying "TBD2005BILLSFF" and hence the "Password incorrect" message. I'm in now thanks to your clarification of "TBD2005BILLS" as the password. Rich, you may want to edit your original post and drop the "FF" from the password that you listed...that seems to be the problem.
  8. Q: What do women's brains and orgasms have in common? A: Many women have never had either.
  9. I hear ya, mi amigo. But the "ass and legs" that I find attractive don't have hair on them. I'm an equal opportunity admirer of all parts female.
  10. Hence the avatar sig: "Man I love ya-yas".
  11. I was kidding...
  12. If not, there should be.
  13. I noticed that, too. Classic! You couldn't have made up that name if you tried. "...with the June 17 spanking of Keith Lowery, who investigators say suffered a severely bruised backside in the celebration gone awry. " Not to mention a severely bruised ego....beaten up by strippers!
  14. Exactly. She claims to have had a "breast lift" (not implants), tummy tuck, etc. due to that fact that she gave birth to (and nursed) four boys. She said she wanted her body back...looks like she got it. BTW, watch it with the 41 comments, junior.
  15. "Her face was fat and wrinkly but she looked like Christie Brinkley after nine Coronas." (sung to the tune of "My Sharona")
  16. You're right, they are nice glasses. My brother "borrowed" one from an establishment and gave it to me.
  17. Man, if you can't find romance with Diane Lane you must not have a pulse!
  18. "...Mason has twice made appointments to have Welsh represent him in court and twice stood Welsh up." "At this moment, I am not his lawyer," Welsh said. "He sets an appointment and just doesn't show up." This guy sounds like a real boob.
  19. I had C-6 surgery on March 31st of this year. Prior to the surgery, I had a constant knifing pain in the left shoulder blade area and on-and-off radiating pain down my left arm (felt like when your arm "falls asleep") and numbness in my forefinger and middlefinger. This all started in late January. I tried all sorts of pain management including steroids, which did not help. Finally, I relented to the surgery. They went in thru the front of my neck, since the back of the neck has so many tendons and muscles. Upon waking from the surgery, I had immediate relief from the pain in my back/neck/arm. The only post-op pain I had was a bad sore throat for about four or five days due to the intubation tube. They gave me Percocet, which I did not need. The most difficult part was not being able to lie down flat for the first couple of weeks while sleeping, but you adjust. The doctor (who was great) put a piece of bone from the bone bank where the disc had been and fused the vertabrae. A titanium plate was also screwed in place for stabilization and quicker recovery time. I was in a hard aspen collar for two weeks and then a soft collar for four weeks after that. I was driving and back to work within 3 1/2 weeks. The doctor told me no contact-type sports for six weeks but by 12 weeks he said that I could whatever I wanted to do. They gave me the option of physical therapy but I declined and have felt great since the procedure. Whoever mentioned lack of mobility or loss in range of motion is mistaken. I was concerned about this and asked the surgeon prior to consenting. He said that the range of motion in your neck is mainly in the C-1/C-2 region (near the top, towards the skull). Surgery in the C-5/C-6 range should cause little to no loss and this was the case for me. Good luck to your sister-in-law. BTW, I only have a small scar at the base of my neck that is about 1 1/2 inches long. I know several people who have had this surgery and they said that after a couple of years they can barely find their scar anymore.
  20. Greg, condolences and God bless. Your dad sounds like he was a wonderful man. That story made me smile...good for you for being able to share in your time of grief.
  21. While on WNSA/Empire, he said on more than one occasion that he'd talk about the NBA if people wanted to do so...they rarely did. When a caller would phone in to discuss the NBA, follow-up callers quickly changed the subject back to either the Bills or Sabres. He played to his audience, plain and simple, and it served him well.
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