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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. You're 2/3 right Fez. I grew up in Grand Island and we could get 3 canadian channels, as well...5, 9, & 11 (not 22). I remember watching cartoons (specifically, 'Spiderman') as well as the CFL. Great stuff!
  2. Defense: "We're #2". Special Teams: "April's Fools". Offense: "Nonoffensive".
  3. In 1928, Herbert Hoover's campaign slogan was: "A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage". In 2008, Christopher Walken's campaign slogan could be: "A Continental breakfast in every kitchen and a cowbell in every hand".
  4. #27 Don't wear a t-shirt with the catchy phrase and symbol: "Pork...the other white meat" l l l l l l l l l l \/
  5. You're right...I didn't even think of that. "and-men-knee-more" simply becomes "and Mandy Moore". You're a Gross genius, Dan.
  6. Yeah, TD's "ego" is why Wire hasn't been released...the coaches are just puppets who have no say in who makes up the final roster. BTW, I won't shed any tears if CW is released.
  7. This was a lost opportunity for a potentially great "Caption This Photo".
  8. #67 Ask: "Soooooooooooo, does the carpet match the drapes?"
  9. How about a picture of Mandy Moore, or Roger Moore, or Dudley Moore, or Mary Tyler Moore, or... I thought you were trying to say "and men-knee-yayas". Happy Birthday, Cablelady...I hope your night is even better than your day!
  10. Nice vids, Mikey! Much appreciated.
  11. Judging by his avatar, Zamboni Man must be gay.
  12. And they say sarcasm doesn't translate well on a message board.
  13. The guy surfing for bovine porn in /dev/null's profile picture is really not /dev/null.
  14. Great report and sweet pics! Thanks, tgreg!
  15. Very nice. Thanks for sharing!
  16. EC-Bills has never blurted out, for no reason: "Suck it, Trebek!"
  17. erynthered was really born on 13 August 1913.
  18. Right you are. But that's cosine...never much liked math myself, either. I'm more of an English/History kinda guy.
  19. Are we supposed to be impressed?? Wilt Chamberlain you ain't...yet. Congrats on a truly meaningless yet stunning accomplishment. Why don't you come in from the wilderness and try and set a record here in the contiguous 48 states?
  20. I didn't see it but, then, I didn't have to...you just described my dad.
  21. The_Real is a hypochondriac.
  22. Ghost of BiB thinks that Government chicks are hot!
  23. Really?? Parrish's signing has nothing to do with Reed's future. If it were a foregone conclusion, the Bills would have cut Reed after the draft. Plus, he's peanuts against the cap. http://buffalobills.com/news/news.jsp?news_id=3278
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