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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. Way to go against the prevailing trend and hang in there. A lot of people were bitching about surrendering a "top ten" pick to Dallas after an 0-4 start last year. How did that turn out again? Cripes they're 1-2 with both losses coming against the NFC. Thirteen more to play and still OK within their own division and conference.
  2. You answered your own question in the subject thread. I'd like to supersize that combo and add the defense, as well. "We want to be known as one of the best defenses ever." STFU and stop somebody on third down! JP is definitely experiencing some horrendous growing pains and the playcalling might be the worst since the Joe Pendry/Dan Henning eras.
  3. When on time, I usually receive it on Saturday (sometimes Friday). They seem to have this problem from time to time. My issue last week arrived waaaay late and I have yet to receive this week's issue. Unless you upgrade your account to 1st class delivery you run the risk of having it arrive late. Periodicals are 2nd class mail and take a backseat to all 1st class mail. The thing to do is go to your post office, explain the problem to them and ask that a "watch" be put on the mag...that will alert the carrier to a problem and might result in a more timely delivery (at least in the short term). I've been meaning to do this but have just been too lazy/busy.
  4. Whether you think it was weak or not they're always going to call hands to the face, especially when it's done to the QB. He wasn't "roughed", per se, but the call was right under the rules.
  5. They were probably just temporarily out of their heads with 'J.P. Fever'. Maybe they needed more cowbell?
  6. Right you are : http://www.jt-sw.com/football/boxes/index....3f?OpenDocument Wrong...try again. Bradshawshank Redemption is a buffoon and an a$$.
  7. I'd put Kelsay at the top of that list...what a difference!
  8. Me. I loved his style...thought he was the shizzle. BTW, mark me down as in favor of a permanent change. TD, you reading?
  9. You're partially correct. It's: J-E-S-T, suck, suck, suck! Get it right.
  10. Fuggin' Mike Martz. "Homer"...
  11. Why is this such a shock? He's an undersized RB who flourished briefly in the Broncos system and couldn't reclaim his starting job after being injured. Scat backs are a dime-a-dozen and rarely long term starters. Reuben Droughns played lights out in that system for a while and look where he is now.
  12. Maybe you're right about JP but thus far his played the good company man, IMHO. We can agree to disagree on Dr.Z. My point about him was not just this article. It's a general trend I've seen from him in the last several years. A once quality writer now past his prime.
  13. I'm not talking about his performance thus far, Fez. The jury is still way out on that. I'm talking about the so called "attitude problem" that was attributed to him going into the draft. Have you seen an arrogant-I'm-better-than-anyone attitude from Losman?? If anything, he's been humble and eager to learn, IMHO. It's annoying to see article after article from writers based on hearsay and not fact whether it's the Bills or not. I think Dr. Z used to be a quality writer but as he's gotten older he's gotten lazy...very disappointing.
  14. Good job, "Scoop"! "NFL teams made the tough decisions and cut their rosters to 53 on Saturday. Quentin Griffin was crowded out of a deep Denver backfield, but the Broncos kept Jerry Rice." FULL STORY: http://www.nfl.com/news/story/8801521
  15. Yeah, way to go the extra mile and check him out now Dr. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. It's time for the retirement home, gramps.
  16. I agree with you. I think the main reason for his sticking was his blocking ability, which is far superior to the other "reserve" WRs. That's huge in a "run first" scheme.
  17. Tampa Bay had two quality kickers in Matt Bryant and Todd France. They were neck-in-neck all preseason. France was just cut...I'd like to see the Bills take a shot at him.
  18. I like Wilson and I'm happy for him, but I'm shocked Haddad didn't make it. I thought Wilson would have been on the PS. I guess being the owner's long lost and newly found bastard child has its privileges!
  19. No offense, but it's Arizona...who cares??
  20. No. He's actually the long lost love child of Montgomery Burns...Monty has some serious clout.
  21. God bless everyone down there...this is not looking good.
  22. Letter from T.O. and Moss, to Theisman: "Dear smarmy, loudmouthed, hasbeen, Shut the !@#$ up! We don't care what you or anyone else says about us. We are above reproach (our agents gave us that word). You are nothing, the fans are nothing. We are everything. Never contact us again. Signed, The Shiznits"
  23. Uh, he's 35...but why let facts get in the way of a good story. BTW, Posey did do a horrible job on that play. It looked like the old banana peel routine out there.
  24. I loved the original 'Spiderman' series, too. So much, in fact, that I bought the complete 6 disc DVD set on Amazon.com for my 3 and 5 year old boys ( ) who are huge superhero fans. They love these Spidey episodes, too...and they bring back many fond memories for yours truly. If you're interested, the box set is called "Spider-Man, The '67 Collection". It contains all 52 episodes that ran on Saturday morning from 1967-1970. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...870345?v=glance Sorry that I can't help you with Chokey as I don't remember seeing that (either by the name or description).
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