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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. This is shaping up as a really bad soap opera. Title it "The Greedy and The Greedier".
  2. I could see him signing on the cheap with Houston, a team in desperate need of linemen and in his "comfort zone" of Texas.
  3. Count Buffalo among those in the "low revenue" category. They don't generate the money that Washington, Dallas, New England, et al do. Also, they haven't sold the naming rights to the stadium which would generate some money. Ralph has gone on record in the past as an advocate of more revenue sharing as long as teams use the money for football operations and don't just hoard it like a small market team in baseball might. The big boys in the NFL are going to have to contribute more to the league in order to keep teams like the Bills viable. If not, they will kill the goose that laid the golden egg and it will eventually be the demise and disappearance of small market teams like the Bills. Even if the smaller teams were to survive, they'd become like the noncompetitive smaller teams in MLB like KC and PIT...non factors and afterthoughts in the sport.
  4. Amen. RIP
  5. "Brady announces he's leaving football for a career in ballet." - Boston Globe Link
  6. MH would be my choice, as well. Plus, having played at Syracuse, he'd be a marketing dream.
  7. Unfortunately, the Bills would take the cap hit.
  8. I'd try to restructure and keep Moulds. Davis is a luxury at #8. Even with the lines being fortified via free agency, I'd still go O-line or D-line in the 1st, maybe even trade down. I like Winston in the 2nd and Tapp is intriguing in the 3rd.
  9. Agreed. That's pretty much a given.
  10. One and the same. Just like longtime NFLer Gary Anderson who was cut by the Bills way back in 1982.
  11. The only point you've made is that you're probably too young to even know who many of the aforementioned RBs were. Most, if not all, of the previous posters' choices are valid. WM might one day be near the top of the list but for now he isn't, plain and simple. Try not to take others' opinions personally.
  12. The Bills won two, back-to-back, '64 & '65 and were in the AFL Championship game in '66 (losing to the Chiefs for the right to appear in Super Bowl I). Get it right, bubba. Oh, yeah...welcome.
  13. No, you do not , as I can stomach neither...but thanks for drawing a conclussion based on two mutually exclusive choices. Just because I don't like Collinsworth means that I have to like Theisman??
  14. Collinsworthless must have some nude photos of these high ranking execs because he's just that...worthless. A total waste of oxygen.
  15. How has WM been "disrespected"?? The title of the thread is "Who's the greatest Bills RB of all time?". At this point in his career, WM doesn't even belong in this discussion, bad offensive line or not. That's not the point. OJ gained 2,003 yards in a 14 game season and is the only player ever to do so. Had Sanders played 14 rather than 16 then he wouldn't have rushed for 2,000 now would he? You take his first 14 games, not his best 14.
  16. It's still sad. He was/is a WNY icon. As a kid, I used to wait anxiously by the radio hoping to hear Danny say that my school was closing due to snow! Man, getting old can suck sometimes. I, for one, wish him well.
  17. Agreed. Many people forget that he was an excellent receiver, as well. The perfect blend of speed and power coupled with soft hands. I believe that the Bills win at least one of those Super Bowls with him. No disrespect to TT who is definitely number two and should be in the HOF right now with the Juice.
  18. Respect has to be earned. Coming off a train wreck of a season, what exactly have the Bills done to warrant better odds?? Adding an 80 year old GM with no previous GM experience? Hiring a coach with a lifetime losing record? Yeah, I can see where Vegas would "reward" them. With no proven QB and both lines in disrepair, it's a wonder that the odds are not worse than they are.
  19. Yeah, that was good. BTW, does Aretha Franklin not have a fashion consultant? Who told her it was OK to squeeze 200 lbs. of ass into 100 lbs. of pants on national TV??? God help us all if she'd have had a "wardrobe malfunction".
  20. One of the TV talking heads said yesterday - can't recall which among the myriad of SB hyperbole - that the Seattle organization is saying internally that keeping Hutchinson and their O-line intact is a higher priority than resigning Alexander. What a novel idea, huh? If true, this doesn't bode well for Hutch landing in Buffalo or anywhere else, for that matter.
  21. I'm glad that this thread was started. I said to my wife throughout this game that it was by far the worst officiated SB I had ever seen. And these guys were supposed to be the best over the course of the season??! What a disgrace. That being said, Seattle simply didn't do enough to win this game. They had several chances despite the lousy officiating and still managed to crap the bed. What a sad way to end the football season.
  22. You two have perfectly described my most lasting memory from that game. I was twenty-seven at the time and had been a diehard Bills fan since I was old enough to remember watching them on TV and listening to them on the radio as a young tyke. I just kept thinking how un-Bill-ievable the feeling was. It seemed like the Super Bowl was something that other teams' fans were destined to enjoy, not us Bills fans. Very surreal. I was watching on TV, here in Virginia, with my brother (both of us originally from Grand Island) and two buddies (one from Silver Creek and the other from Buffalo). What a feeling to share in that joy with family and friends who were all lifelong Bills fans. It was the next best thing to actually being at the game. Thanks for bringing back those fond memories, especially after the new 'Dark Ages' we've been experiencing.
  23. I don't think you have to worry about the Bills being interested...he certainly doesn't meet Marv's "character" standard, regardless of how talented he is. I had heard that Tampa Bay was interested in TO but more recently, the dulfelons. Nick Saban was on 'The Dan Patrick' show the other day and when DP asked if they'd be interested in TO, NS responded with a politically correct 'yes'. If you hate TO now, imagine how you'd feel about him on the 'felons.
  24. Thanks for taking that to the next level.
  25. For gawd's sake, pleeeeeeeeeease let it be the Sherman and Bates show. Just say no to Dick!
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