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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. Fish loaded on O Shuffling to Buffalo Bills must outscore them
  2. It was great meeting you today and it was very easy to spot you in that blue 'Maid of The Mist' poncho. Nice call. No need to apologize to anyone for your English...it is excellent! Glad you got to see a great win surrounded by so many Bills fans. Safe travels to NYC and then back to Argentina, my friend. 😎 🇦🇷 GO BILLS!!!
  3. Not with the price of gas and I am not a pilot...although I play one on TV...so flying him back is out. If I can procure a row boat, I'll see what I can do. I will be in a long sleeve blue Bills shirt & tan khaki shorts. 😁
  4. We're right there...Row 11. 😎
  5. You're correct. We're taking the Metro in from Springfield. Our final stop is about 9/10 of a mile from CrapEx Field. I did the same several years ago for a Bills preseason game there. The walk wasn't bad but it was a beautiful day. Tomorrow may be a different story.
  6. I hate that stadium but will be going anyway with my two sons and a good friend who is a Washington fan but not a diehard like my sons and I are with the Bills. I took him to a Bills game in Orchard Park several years ago and he loved it. He is happy for us when the Bills win (tomorrow aside). We'll be in Section 426
  7. My aunt (Dad's sis) and uncle live in Jamestown. We go up to visit them every 4th of July and go to the fireworks show at the Dunkirk Marina on Lake Erie every year. She and my dad grew up on West 7th Street in Dunkirk and I remember walking the less than 2 miles up Brigham Road to Lake Shore Drive to see the fireworks when I was a kid. Point Gratiot Beach and the Dunkirk Lighthouse were just a stone's throw away. Very nice area. Love Chautauqua County and Chautauqua Lake. As a kid I briefly lived in Silver Creek & Orchard Park but mostly Grand Island. I try to get up to a Bills game once a year and to see my aunt and uncle again. This year may not happen though. We'll see. Last year's trip got cancelled...we had tix for the Cleveland game. Go Bills!
  8. I thought it was cool that 'Big Sexy' decided to retire a Met despite his family wanting him to retire with Cleveland. He said the Met fans embraced him more than any other fan base and NY is where he wanted to officially call it quits. Nice feel good story in an otherwise crapfest of a season. I don't have anything against this version of the Reds but I have never liked the Cincinnati baseball team (or the football team for that matter). I hated Pete Rose and 'The Big Red Machine' when I was a kid. I had a friend in high school whose family was from West Virginia and he was a Reds fan...and annoying as hell. lol If the 2023 Reds face any of the Braves, Philthies, or Dodgers in the playoffs then I will pull for them, if only cursorily. I don't see myself watching much of the baseball playoffs this year. I am ready to turn the page thanks to the underperforming NY Mess and I am firmly on to the football season and getting excited for the impending Sabres season.
  9. Only if she breaks her foot off in your arse... (Good luck with the new squeeze)
  10. There are a handful of current Mets who played under him and had nothing but good things to say about him. Narvaez and Vogelbach are the only ones who come to mind at the moment but there a few others, as well. He would often be down on the field watching batting practice as a GM which isn't all that common. Stearns has been perceived as robotic and analytical to outsiders but the players said he was personable and involved. While Milwaukee hasn't won a World Series since he's been there, they have been pretty consistent winners and are about to win their third division title since he got there eight years ago which is something the Mets can't claim. He's done a good job building pitching staffs but not so much developing hitters. As you said, we'll have to wait and see what kind of moves he makes. I'm excited but there are many times I've been excited by something this organization has done only to end up at 'smh'.
  11. And will continually perpetuate the incessant "Bills need a RB" narrative... https://x.com/AlbertBreer/status/1701962110203257010?s=20
  12. RE: Statement 1 - I agree with the bolded comment. My point was more to Gugny's Girardi comment. I think Girardi proved that he is nobody's answer after how he ran the Philthies into the ground and, while I am not advocating for Beltran, I would much rather have him than Girardi. That was my only reason for conjuring his name. And Terry is not giving up that sweet gig to take on the frustrations of the modern day manager, IMO. Anymore Florida sun and he is going to be able to pass for a piece of old Samsonite luggage. 😉 I don't want him either. Thanks for the memories, TC. BTW, I do think Beltran will get a shot with someone either as a manager or an integral part of a front office. He is universally perceived around the game as having a 'baseball mind' and the prevailing thought is that he will do well for someone. That remains to be seen, of course. RE: Statement 2 - I don't know if anyone here has referred to Stearns as "the savior". I certainly have not although I am thrilled that he is onboard. He is a baseball man...he's younger blood, knows scouting and analytics and, like Beltran, is held in high regard in baseball circles. He would have had no lack of suitors had his dream job not opened. I don't think it's entirely fair to bring up Milwaukee's success or lack thereof...they are a small market team with nowhere near the resources of the Mets and their new owner. He was working within constraints that he won't have in New York. This organization has never had a President of Baseball Operations and they are long overdue. If nothing else, Billy Eppler does not get the final say on personnel moves. For me, it's more what Stearns represents and potentially brings to the table. Outside of Frank Cashen, the previous owners and front offices of this club have been largely trash for the entirety of its existence. It's a new era...here's to hoping it's a good era. RE: Statement 3 - I am on record several times as saying that I will not shed a tear or get angry whether they keep Buck or let him go. At the moment my 'Keep or Trash' meter is closer to 'Trash' but I am lukewarm either way. Perhaps it's closer to 'Trash' just for the intrigue of, "Ooooh, something new!" Keeping Buck or firing him does not really move the needle for me either way. It's all "meh" to me. Getting the right players going forward...that's what moves the needle for me.
  13. @Gugny @SinceThe70s @Another Fan Whaaaaaaaat? A trade that finally worked out in the Mets' favor? Did Stearns hold an exorcism or did Cohen pay off the baseball gods? "Max Scherzer injury update: Rangers pitcher out for rest of regular season, 'unlikely' to pitch in playoffs" https://www.cbssports.com/mlb/news/max-scherzer-injury-update-rangers-pitcher-out-for-rest-of-regular-season-unlikely-to-pitch-in-playoffs/
  14. I get your point about Beltran and don't entirely disagree with it but I would take him 10 times out of 10 over Girardi who has proven to eventually grate on his players' nerves and turn them off while they tune him out. He ran that pennant winning Philthies team into the ground with his iron-fisted approach. He knows baseball, for sure, but he's more drill sergeant and meathead than a modern day manager, IMO. Whatever Stearns decides, I'm onboard (even if it's Girardi) until Stearns demonstrates that he is clueless, which I don't think will happen. Like I said before, I believe they will give Buck one more year while Stearns gets the lay of the land unless he comes in like Jerruh Jones did when old plastic face purchased the Lone Star Gauchos. Maybe I'm wrong and Stearns will actually make some significant, wholesale changes. Like I said, I'm down with whatever his starting plan is. He gets my wholehearted benefit of the doubt starting day one.
  15. That's part of it, IMO. And game management/strategy really has changed drastically. It's very much analytics driven vs 'gut feel' of the 'baseball lifer' manager. I like Terry but he is living in Florida golfing constantly and working on his tan. He makes appearances on 'BNNY'/SNY via Zoom. I think it would take a lot to coax him out of retirement. He's got the best of both worlds right now. Like Gugs, I wouldn't hate it but I'd prefer to look forward rather than backwards...and that's coming from the old guy in this little clatch of ours. I'm way younger in appearance and thinking than my years. lol (Also, I think Buck gets one more year to turn it around) I'd be good with giving Carlos Beltran another shot (enough time has passed and enough 'stink' has dissipated, IMO). Ultimately, we'll see what Stearns wants to do going forward. He is genuinely the first Met front office hire I have ever been this excited/hopeful about bringing into the organization. LFGM!
  16. @Gugny @SinceThe70s @Another Fan Rejoice, fellas! It's happening... https://www.nydailynews.com/2023/09/12/mets-david-stearns-steve-cohen-new-era/ https://www.mlb.com/news/david-stearns-mets-president-of-baseball-operations
  17. Thanks to all of you who have shared your memories of 9/11. I got chills reading many of them, especially @sherpa I had been working at a government agency exactly a month to the day of 9/11 (transferred from a different agency). I was settling in for a class with the 22 other people hired into this program. One of my classmates came in and said, "A plane just flew into one of the Twin Towers...they don't know yet if it was an accident or intentional." We all got up and scrambled from this building back to the trailers where we were temporarily housed because there was a TV there. We watched in disbelief and then saw the second strike. Everyone was stunned and somber. Our instructors decided at that point to just send us all home for the day. As I drove home and found out as I listened on the radio that it was a suspected act of terrorism, I remember thinking to myself, "What kind of world are we leaving to our children?" At the time, my now 23 year old son was a mere 18 months old and I feared for him and his future. Once home, I went out and purchased two American flag magnets to affix to my car and my wife's car, then watched coverage nonstop like most everyone else and it felt like I was living a weird and scary dream from which I could not wake up. The next day as I arrived at work, there were all kinds of armed military and agency police at the gates. We were instructed to park in the open fields near the warehouses and we were bussed to our buildings where Jersey barriers had been set up everywhere. Nobody was allowed to drive or park anywhere near the buildings. It was surreal. A mere month later, we were all on a plane to Columbus, OH for a two week training stay. Needless to say, I was nervous flying for the first time since the day of those tragic events and I don't get nervous or anxious when flying. Hard to believe it's been twenty-two years since it all happened. Seems like yesterday. BTW, three days prior I had been up in Manassas, VA with my brother for a Jimmy Buffett concert at Nissan Pavilion (RIP, JB ). We partied our arses off not knowing that our lives...and everyone else's...would be changed forever. God bless those who lost loved ones and those brave men and women who worked selflessly to save others, many of whom ended up paying the ultimate sacrifice themselves. Never Forget. Go Bills!
  18. Happy Birthday (you're old enough to get this reference).
  19. (With hands to throat) "Hey, Raaaaaaaaaaaaaah-juhs! Discount double-choke!"
  20. You're about to get an earful from @GunnerBill. 😂
  21. I don't believe that Pornhub is a message board... So you really have been letting your freak flag fly all this time. Football season takes forever to come back around and is over in the blink of an eye. Let's enjoy the ride. GO BILLS!!!
  22. His grandpa was great. 🤩
  23. Yes, I believe it was 117.3 mph. Baty & Alvarez also had base knocks. Good night for the 'Baby Mets'. I knew #1...actually watched his debut on TV. I didn't know #2 and #3. Very cool.
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