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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. The man can't help what God gave him, mrags. Still, I can't imagine that he consented to full frontal nudity in a movie like this and climaxed over Cleveland to boot.
  2. Isn't it obvious? He pulled them out of his arse...
  3. This place isn't happy (or is that miserable?) without a whipping boy. EJ and TJ are your current leaders in the clubhouse.
  4. A by-product of one of New Jersey's many toxic waste sites, no doubt.
  5. Trading down is not a realistic option if they want Ebron, IMO. They'll need to take him at 9 because he likely won't get past the Giants at 12. I want Evans or Ebron, in that order, at 9. A tackle at 9 will make me ill, especially if it's Lewan. They can address RT later in the draft. Like WRs, OTs are deep. The difference is, you can still get a good starting OT in the 2nd, 3rd, or later. You won't get the coveted "big wins" (per Whaley) WR later on unless you want to take a chance on Indiana's Cody Latimer. Evans is the huge target this offense needs. If he's there, sprint to the podium and grab him. If not, grab the big, athletic TE in Ebron who's been described as a poor man's Vernon Davis. The Bills have been behind the new-wave TE trend for far too long. It's time to get on board. Get EJ that jump ball, red zone threat. Go big or go home.
  6. F him and the horse he rode in on...go back to NJ, BJ.
  7. He may actually turn out to be a stiff, so there's that.
  8. He really must get tired of hearing, "Go f _ _ k yourself!" all the time. (j/k) BTW...congrats, Jay. Have fun.
  9. Haha! Probably not. Instead, it might mean that every Bills fan instantly becomes a giant douchebag.
  10. With all of his money, you'd think he could have at least upgraded his office TV to a flat screen HDTV. lol BTW, they should incorporate his office as a display in the new fan experience upgrade to the stadium entrance, IMO.
  11. Posing as a Bills fan and defending Tom Brady in a lighthearted thread. Interesting way to troll.
  12. "Pull up your suit, Tommy. Your C-section scar is showing."
  13. Ditto. You're kidding, right?? If not, then you don't get it. You must have never lived in WNY.
  14. R.I.P., Mr. Wilson. Thanks for all you did for the community, the league, and for bringing professional football to WNY. And a heartfelt thanks from three generations of Bills fans from my father, to me, to my sons. Beyond my family, the Bills have been my lifelong passion and I thank you for that, sir. It truly is the historic end of an era. Godspeed. You will be missed. (Nice job with the header change, SDS. Classy touch)
  15. Reverend Jim Jones
  16. How about 'Sisyphean Bills'? That's great.
  17. Fixed. Newly signed OL Chris Williams: "Now he’s eager to raise the level of his game again under the guidance of head coach Doug Marrone and offensive line coach Pat Morris." "Coming in here with coach Marrone and coach Morris I’m really excited about it,” he said. “I’m going to continue to develop my game because I’m always trying to work to get better and I think it’s a great opportunity here to do that.” http://www.buffalobi...c9-d04831b244a2 The lengths to which some people will go to put down any and everything about the Bills, no matter how false, is absolutely pathetic. Making up garbage to prove a bogus point is infantile and the personification of a troll. But, hey, why let facts get in the way of a good rant &/or flat out lie, right? The photo in this link really looks like he doesn't want to play for Marrone, doesn't it? http://www.buffalobi...1a-6e9d3fc4f7d0
  18. Bye, bye, Byrdie. Good luck in 'The Big Easy'...except when you play the Bills, of course.
  19. 1) Nobody gives up two 1st Round picks to sign a player. The Bills would have to negotiate a trade with New Orleans. For example, a 1st & 3rd this year and a 3rd next year. 2) New Orleans won't trade him. 3) The Bills would more than likely have to pay him like one of the highest paid WRs (not TEs) in the league to play in Buffalo. 4) Unless the Bills blew all other offers out of the water, why would Graham even consider signing with a team with an unsettled QB situation like theirs? 5) Whaley is from the Steelers school of "we don't overpay for free agents (ours or theirs)". 6) It's not happening (see 1 - 5 above). 7) Next topic...
  20. I agree with the bolded and that was my preference, as well; however, I'm not convinced that they could've traded him. He would've had to sign the tender before a trade could be made. He & Parker probably would've dug in their heels and done exactly as they did last year. At that point, all you get is a bitter player who won't sign long-term. Could they have traded him before the deadline in the fall? Possibly, but it's more difficult task than at this time of year when rosters aren't set and there is greater cap flexibility. You also run the risk of a three-ring circus & a divided locker room. I'm not happy with this at all but there is culpability on the part of all involved.
  21. The fact is, whether the Bills made Byrd the highest paid safety in NFL history or let him walk, they were going to get crucified. Just depends upon which side of the fence you happen to fall. Whether you blame the Bills for this or not, it was a no win situation. The perfect "crap storm", if you will.
  22. Welcome to the age of the boorish, "internet tough guy."
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