If you don't think they're in trouble, fine. Sorry if I said otherwise. But you just said that Philly "sure looks like they're clearing cap room for someone or several". Maybe. Probably. But, again, that's making a conscious decision of who they want & that's not cap trouble. There's a difference. That was my point. They weren't forced to do that or otherwise suffer the consequences. What you're stating is the equivalent of unlimited cap space. Every team would like to keep all of their players but they can't, so they make choices, as the Eagles did with McCoy and the other players that they let go. If they keep X, they may not be able to get Y. They didn't trade him because of cap trouble, they moved him for reasons known to them. Maybe to get more cap room (not because they didn't have any), maybe because Kelly didn't want him, maybe both. Other than the Dallas & Washington situation, which was a questionable decision by the league, how many teams truly have issues? Are teams tight? Have to cut guys? Sure. But the light in which you're painting it is ridiculous. Maybe you didn't like the way I worded it but teams don't really have "issues" with the cap in the truest sense. Some make better choices than others but all can keep the players that they truly value the most, they just can't keep everybody and they can't have everything they want. That's the nature of the beast.