We have a similar story. My mom was born and raised in Mobile, AL. My dad was born and raised in Dunkirk, NY and I spent my formative years (thru middle school) in WNY. From the time I was old enough to follow sports as a small boy in the late '60s/early '70s, I have been a diehard Bills & Crimson Tide fan. I grew up cheering for OJ, Dennis Shaw, Marlin Briscoe, and Bear Bryant. It's a strange dichotomy being a Buffalo sports fan & an Alabama fan. Being an avid fan my whole life of lovable losers in the Bills, Sabres, & Mets, Alabama football (and VCU basketball) has been my oasis in the desert. Both of my teenage boys were born and bred in Virginia but are avid Bills fans, as well. I never forced it upon them but they just fell into it watching with me on the Sunday Ticket. Oddly (?), they both cheer for all of the same teams that I do (which I love!), especially my younger son who is a huge sports fan. Their first ever game at the Ralph was the first game of the Pegula era, which was very cool (although the Bills lost). I hope for their sake, more than my own, that they will be able to cheer for a fun & winning Bills (and Sabres) team soon.