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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. Don't worry. By the time you read this, it will already have been taken care of...
  2. Don't sell yourself short, dude. Tall is a state of mind. Carry yourself like Beane. He'd tell you that you're tall...but would it just be an elaborate smokescreen to throw you off of the fact that you really ARE short in order to lull another board into taking you ahead of TBD?? Brilliant!
  3. I agree. They're in a big market which doesn't have the patience for a rebuild and everything they've done this off season points to a win now mentality. I think they either take Barkley or trade out for a boatload of picks, winning now while retooling on the fly for the future. They can also get another stud RB like Chubb or Michel, if they don't take Barkley.
  4. They just restructured Tannehill and the deal makes it much more difficult to cut him loose. They are not coming up to #2. Not in this or any other universe.
  5. This, in a nutshell, is a flawed approach, IMO. Every amateur armchair GM on this board has their favorite or favorites and thinks that if the Bills don't agree, don't take said player, or fail to pull off a trade for said player then they don't know what they're doing. Odds are that two or all three of these QBs are more likely not to be franchise QBs than all three of them hitting. Posters get so wrapped up in their own convictions on a player(s) that they can't allow for the possibility that they just could be wrong. I like all three of those QBs and I agree that they will probably be good players but the truth is that I honestly don't know...and neither do you or anyone else. The Bills' brain trust is paid to figure out these things and have the time and resources available to them to make the best decision that we as fans do not. The chess match has begun and the Bills end game will be critical. Here's to hoping that they get it right...whether that means trading up or staying put.
  6. That's for the front office of the team trading up to decide. You're not going to mortgage the farm to get to #1 unless you have the conviction that your guy is a franchise QB for the next 10-15 years. Just because fans or pundits don't believe that there is a clear cut number one does not mean that NFL front offices feel that way. They are paid handsomely to figure that out.
  7. Anyone wanting to trade up for a QB and within striking distance of #1 would be foolish not to try for #1...it's the only way to ensure you get the guy you definitely want. I don't think the Browns are moving. They have to get it right this time.
  8. Exactly. The Bills had the ammo to beat the Jest's offer and can still get ahead of them if the NYG are willing to deal. Beane was worried about trading into #3 and having the Jest jump him at #2, IMO. There is no way that the Giants want their NJ rivals to make the big splash in this draft. This is a Mets vs. Yankees type of situation. If Gettleman wants a QB, he still gets his choice (at least his second choice). If he doesn't, I think he deals with his pal, Beane, to screw the Jest. Imagine the headlines in the Big Apple: 'Giants Deal #2 Pick to Jets Division RIval' or maybe the NY Post: 'Bills Come Due For Jets in Giant Deal'.
  9. "Meaningless"? Seriously? Prone to hyperbole much? Get a grip, Nancy.
  10. Forget the mea culpa. You weren't purposely trying to mislead anyone. You took a swing and a miss on some info that you thought was legit but it wasn't. No biggie. Everyone is excited this time of year and hoping for Bills news. No harm no foul. On to the next rumor...
  11. 'The Era of Nate': March 9, 2018 - April 26, 2018
  12. I think that this is breaking sarcastic conjecture but I'm not certain. Dammit, you're right...it IS hard to tell!
  13. NP...things have been fast and furious the last few days. Fun and exciting off-season so far.
  14. Agreed. I get that there are people who still wanted to hang on to Tyrod but, if they couldn't see that Beane and McDermott were ready to move on from him after this season, they were either being naive or obtuse. Tyrod's benching against the Chargers when the Bills were still squarely in the middle of the Wild Card chase signaled the beginning of the end for him in Buffalo, IMO. He simply wasn't their guy and that's fine. Thanks for your service to the Bills and for fetching the first pick of the 3rd Round, Tyrod, and best of luck to you in Cleveland. I assume you mean Kizer, Dave? He was dealt to the Packers yesterday.
  15. I've been leaning more towards McCown lately, myself, if they are going the draft route for a young signal caller. McCown is great in the locker room by all accounts and is ultra competitive. Good one year stop gap, IMO. Based on everything that's happening, it looks like the tea leaves are pointing to a trade up to get their guy. I honestly don't think they're going to sit at 21 and hope that someone they could "live with" falls to them, especially now that they've dealt Tyrod. They're going up to get their guy come hell or high water, IMO.
  16. I'm worried that he's a product of Shurmur's system and last season was just an anomaly. Hope it's not him. JMO
  17. Love it! I was hoping for a 5th or, at best, a 4th. But the 1st pick of the 3rd Round?! OUTSTANDING!! You go, Beane!
  18. That's not the point. Go read the post from 'DefenseWins' and see what I and others responded regarding that post. Somebody upthread was hoping that Denver would land Cousins and then trade their 5th to the Bills. 'DW' makes it sound as if he assumes that Denver & the Bills make that swap prior to the Broncos being on the clock. If you make the trade when Denver is up, like we responded, the Jest can't jump in front of you (at 4 or higher). Nobody is saying that the Jest couldn't trade up to 5. RIF
  19. That trade is predicated on Denver being on the clock at 5 and the Jest still sitting at 6.
  20. Elway after the Bills sccop him for Rosen (or any other QB he covets): https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-pty-pty_maps&hsimp=yhs-pty_maps&hspart=pty&p=horse+in+ren+and+stimpy#id=1&vid=d5f30ef74837e2824886dbad8f69b5d8&action=click The team won a championship in Ralph's 5th season of ownership. You're on the clock, Terry.
  21. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family, Jimbo. This will be tough. F*ck cancer!
  22. It's nice to see a division rival do something stupid. Next up are the Jest with an attempted gross over payment of Kirk Cousins.
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