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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. 13 more FGs and the Bills have the lead!
  2. "When it's too tough for us, it's just right for them..."
  3. I hope this weak-ass line doesn't get the kid killed.
  4. Don't want to overreact to one horrendous game but, sadly, it seems that the so called "experts" were right about this team.
  5. I've been with them since 1998. Anybody who has been with them 10 years or more is eligible for these kinds of discounts, they're just not going to tell you or advertise it. Like I said, I talked with him on a personal level and found some things we had in common. Said I wanted to see what they could do about lowering my bill because I had a kid who just started college this fall and money was tight. He has a kid heading to college next year so he could relate. I asked about getting Sunday Ticket because they were offering it to new customers for free and he said, "You beat me to the punch...I was going to ask if you liked sports." I already had the Sports Pack so he offered that discount & he threw in HBO without me asking. Be polite and courteous and try to connect with the Loyalty rep on a personal level. Stretching the truth or embellishing a little is okay but don't lay it on too thick...don't lie and don't be rude.
  6. Just called a little while ago and talked to a very nice guy in the Loyalty Department. Not the best deal I've ever gotten but still good and I'm happy: * $10 off per month on the Sports Pack, normally $13.99, for 6 months ($60 savings). * $60 off per month on my bill for 12 months ($720 savings). * Free HBO for 6 months with automatic drop - no auto renewal or need to cancel ($107.94 value). * Free NFL Sunday ticket ($293.94 + tax value for the 2018 season). * No agreement required (for either 1 or 2 years). The only place I came up short was in trying to get the Max added free to Sunday Ticket ($102 + tax value). He said there were currently no other offers/credits to offset the cost of the Max. No Visa Gift cards, etc, available either. I would've rather had the Max than HBO but, oh well. I may call back next week to see if they can do something about that. If not, no big deal...I may just add it anyway or do without. I was on the phone less than 30 minutes and half of that was pleasant conversation BSing about football and our kids. All in all, a very satisfying experience and I hung up the phone very happy with what I got. GO BILLS!!! ?
  7. Congrats on your shining accomplishment. It truly reflects what an illuminating member of this community you are. One of the reasons that you are such a shining example of decorum and have a leg up on so many of the posters on this board is because you tend not to throw shade...
  8. If they haven't already, the QBs will soon be calling him 'Vlad The Impaler' because impaled is what he's going to get them...
  9. I guess he never heard the old saying, "don't shite where you eat." Good luck, Croom.
  10. Maybe. If nothing else, it would probably be able to give its defender the slip...
  11. I was talking about the flags called on both teams, not just the Bills. But thanks for playing.
  12. The damn refs are in regular season form already. They're going to have to ice down their arms after the game...
  13. Jesus H. Did 'Dunkirk Don create two new a$$hat identities today??
  14. Probably a lot of "I'm done with this team!" threads.
  15. His improvement is night and day from last year. Something clicked for him. Nice to see, even if against twos. I hope he continues to progress.
  16. It's amazing that there are that many knuckleheads posting that.
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