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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. It would probably be 21 if Rogers were playing on two legs...
  2. Forgot about the Jags. Good call.
  3. Just goes to show what a ¨week-to-week¨ league the NFL really is. Last week, the narrative was how the Bills were this year´s 2017 Browns. Now they have a quality win under their belt with a D that has performed like a contender for the last six quarters and an upcoming trip to Green Bay against a banged up Rogers that suddenly seems...dare I say it...winnable. The Pats* are 1-2, the Phins are 3-0, and Fitz has a chance to make the Stillers season feel like it´s imploding tomorrow night. Crazy.
  4. Nitey-nite, Tommy Boy.
  5. Crazy, indeed. I took the Lions in Week 1 of the TBD Survivor Pool...first time I´ve ever been eliminated in Week 1. A buddy in my fantasy league started one for the league beginning this week, $20 per person. Everyone took the Vikings...except me. I took the Rams. Pool over. ? Shortest. Pool. Ever.
  6. Frazier called the defense today but, other than that, kudos! ? ?
  7. It was a Croc...more expensive than a flip-flop. Probably cost that dude half of his Mini-Mart paycheck to buy those. I love how when the dude in the black shirt hits the deck and drops his sunglasses, the chick in the shorts picks them up, apparently breaks them out of sight, then tosses them back onto the road. Stay classy, Buffalo.
  8. By the time that happens, Brady will be well into his second career as a ´Gloryhole Greeter´...
  9. Of all teams, dealing him to the ´Évil Empire´. WTH is wrong with Cleveland?! I hope that Godforsaken, tire fire of a franchise eternally burns in hell.
  10. Be careful eating that romaine...it might make you more ill than watching the Bills although that is not likely. Sounds like they have careers ahead of them in DC.
  11. Hap...had to fix that. We, as Bills fans, had nothing to do with that clown show. We are simply victims of ´Śtockholm Syndrome´.
  12. I can see the headlines now: "Brownies Can't Hash It Out With Josh, Decide To Weed Out Their Chronic Problem"
  13. Any details yet? If I had to guess, I'd say that Hue told Josh that he wanted him to play on the hash and Gord-o took it literally...
  14. One good flush will help that smell dissipate...
  15. Getting sick of this Dez narrative. If there was mutual interest, and it was financially appealing to both sides, he would've been in Buffalo by now. Let it go already.
  16. The Browns & Stillers didn't lose. Sooooooooo...
  17. So Scott Van just Pelt-ed the fan base with rocks and garbage? Cool. Shots by the national media never get old.
  18. This might be a bit of revisionist history. I seem to recall the people upset about Hogan leaving were more bothered by the fact that the Bills let him walk without a tender so they got nothing while he ran for New England and Brady's bosom. Woods was labeled a "replaceable #2" and Goodwin took more slings and arrows than both of them combined. Many fans were happy to see him go and labeled him 'Glass Goodwin'. Sammy and Fitz were just about run out of town on a rail. As somebody on here said, Bills fans are bipolar . Maybe they're 'Bills-polar'? They hate what they have until it's gone.
  19. Their last win was Christmas Eve, 2016...on a Saturday. They have now gone 34 consecutive regular season Sundays without a win. Truly a 'Brownsian' feat. Congrats, Cleveland!
  20. The 'Bend Over But Don't Squeal' defense was in full effect today. 'Trust the KY Process'...
  21. Maybe they can trade him to Oakland for AJ McCarron...
  22. The only big extension he's getting are the ones hanging out of his helmet.
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