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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. No, thanks. He's already playing for his third team and past his prime. If the Bills want a Tampa Bay WR, I'd much rather they attempt a trade for his younger, up and coming teammate, Chris Godwin.
  2. ...with his head on a stick!
  3. I think that this loss...at home...against a bad team on it's third QB...was the proverbial nail in Saint Dougie's coffin. Obviously.
  4. They're still sitting in the first Wild Card spot but that is an absolutely brutal loss at this stage of the season against a team as bad and banged up as the Niners.
  5. I know it wasn't possible but I found myself hoping that both teams could somehow end up losing...
  6. I busted out laughing when I saw it live then they showed the replay and the priceless look on Sea Bass' face and I laughed out loud again. I had to rewind it to show my son and he enjoyed it, too. ?
  7. No, but I know one for retatta...
  8. The pass was bad but on target. The diving, lunging stab by the worthless Clay was worse.
  9. McDermott should've pulled him earlier. Phillips was letting his emotions get the best of him but there was no penalty on that particular play. There are much more egregious celebrations than that. His clapping at the Miami sidelines on the following play was far worse and not called.
  10. He was in front...the WR ran thru him. Milano didn't impede him. You want to call that then how do you not call the one committed against Zay Jones on the last drive? Making a tackle BEFORE the ball arrives is "making a play for the ball"?? Go back and watch it. It's not even debatable no matter what your interpretation of interference is. It's textbook PI.
  11. That was absolutely ridiculous. Every player in the league does a stupid celebration after making a play and they decide to flag a fist pump into the air at nobody?? That's what it's come to now?! Gimme a break. And the "hitting the foot" comment after the play by the announcers was stupid. That was inadvertent.
  12. Absolutely agree, Promo. I was screaming at that. Milano was IN FRONT of the WR and got inside position...whatever happened to both players having a right to the ball?? Yet Zay Jones has two arms wrapped around him on the 5 yard line BEFORE the ball gets there and they do nothing. Jesus H...
  13. Don't forget a blatant interference call on the last drive at the 5 on the overturned Zay Jones catch. He was absolutely mugged. I have seen some very poorly officiated games this year across the league but this may have been the worst one...and that is saying something. That said, come back to the ball and make the catch Clay, you total waste of oxygen.
  14. Which serial killer is that in his avatar? PEBCAK error... Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard
  15. That's me with the Redskins. I'm a measly 2-7 picking them this year.
  16. So people hate Peterman because he is a race fan? Hmmm...I didn't even know he liked NASCAR.
  17. I totally agree with you there. I think he is too prideful/arrogant to accept that he is less than the best and would hang them up at the realization of that. If they win it all this year, I could very well see him calling it a career.
  18. The next guy (and there will be another) to start a "LET'S SIGN CHAD KELLY!!!" thread should be banned for life. Enough is enough. He's not Jim Kelly. Jesus H...
  19. bandit, I agree with you on this year's Pats* and I know the end has to come for Brady eventually but people have shoveled dirt on him before and he always ends up proving them wrong. Maybe he's finally heading into his "end-of-the-line Peyton Manning phase" where he carries them to another Super Bowl on sheer will but it's still hard to pronounce "time of death" just yet based on what we've witnessed from him time and time again. That said, this is the first time that I've actually let myself believe that something seems different this year and we may finally be witnessing the beginning of the end.
  20. I need to witness them actually driving the wooden stake thru his cold, black heart before I can fully believe that he's at the end.
  21. It was just a matter of time before he put a...er...his foot in his mouth.
  22. Sadly, I'm forced to start Hauschka in my Dynasty league this week so I'm banking on the fact that he won't get me even a single FG.
  23. I'm with you, Bill. It pains me to see them lose but you have to hope that it ends up being for the greater good. I would love to see them trade down and acquire as much as possible, as well. If Bosa and Oliver are staring them in the face, it will be hard to pass them up. Those are the only defensive players I'd be okay with them taking with their first pick. I just hope they don't trade up this year and squander what they've acquired to this point.
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