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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. I lived thru '0 for the '70s'...every...painful...loss. It is still as fresh in my mind today as it was then. I will never, EVER, feel sorry for those rat bastards and their three 'fans'. Now, you kids, get off my lawn...
  2. FWIW, Chris Brown said today that the Pats* have "expressed interest" in Tate but a scheduled visit hasn't been reported/confirmed yet.
  3. Per Chris Brown a few minutes ago, Ziggy is still visiting with the Bills but he has no word on whether Ansah will sign.He did confirm that he has not left so there appears to be mutual interest on both sides.
  4. I'll believe it when they drive a wooden stake thru the cold, black hearts of Brady, Belichick, & Kraft and pry the Lombardi trophies from their cold, dead hands...or from the massage parlor or wherever the hell they are storing them.
  5. It's the free agency premium. He was considered one of the top two FA centers available. He was going to get paid by the Bills or somebody else.
  6. Very nice start to begin repairing the O-line. Keep 'em coming. ?
  7. Maybe that works against the Jest. ?
  8. I'm not giving him crap unless he signs him. The fact that they might even be linked to him is annoying. This team does not need to get older at RB.
  9. I'd be concerned that our kicking nets are not good looking enough for him...
  10. 100 year old Frank F'ing Gore? Jesus H, Beane.
  11. Okay, whatever. You could've ended it by acknowledging that it was a joke but you still can't own what you did. You must be a load of fun at a party.
  12. No, you changed the post and made it look like that's what I said. I didn't. I know it and you know it. The original post is still there. You can't even own up to what you did. Douche move on your part, plain and simple.
  13. No, my post said, "HTH do you know that he would never come to Boca??" because you said "He would never come here." I was joking based on your user name but you went full asshat and changed my post to make it fit your narrative.
  14. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/bills-release-statement-officially-declaring-rumored-antonio-brown-trade-dead/?ftag=SPM-16-10abi8e
  15. And that is certainly your right to do. It doesn't make you a better or a worse fan for it. It's how you cope/view things. We're all different but we're all (hopefully) pulling for this franchise to turn things around. This is undoubtedly a fan base of masochists.
  16. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I didn't think there was anyway that the Bills would be in on AB and I wasn't initially thrilled with acquiring a 31 year old WR but I got caught up in the moment like a lot of other people and it would have been a good acquisition, depending on the compensation. It's not "eternal optimism", it's sports entertainment and it was exciting around here at a level that it hasn't been in quite some time. I can't control what the team does or doesn't do, I just hope that whatever they do turns out for the best like any fan would/should. If you don't or can't understand that then I'm not going to try to make you. Jealousy will do nothing but twist you up inside. It's a wasted emotion. I'm trying not to be rude, but I wonder what's going on with you to make you feel like you do...
  17. I would've been fine had they gotten AB and I'm also fine that they didn't. I'm just glad that it's finally free agency, trade, and juicy rumor season in the NFL. This got my adrenaline pumping.?
  18. If they do that, they'd better tell the Giants, "At no point does this go public while we're negotiating or we deny the whole thing." This franchise and its fragile fan base would be in therapy for years over another public slap to the face.
  19. At this point, I'd like to see Pittsburgh be unable to trade him and then AB takes his ball and goes home to retirement.
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