Born into's in my DNA. And I'm loyal to a fault...must be my Dad's Sicilian blood coursing through my veins. Dad is from Dunkirk (no, his name is not Don) and he has been a Bills fan since their inception. Prior to the Bills, he followed the Browns since they were the closest team geographically to Buffalo and he loved legendary Browns QB Otto Graham. I had an otherwise happy childhood growing up in WNY so I think the Bills must be my karmic payback to keep me from getting too full of myself. But to throw the Sabres and Mets on top of the Bills in my lifelong 'fandom of misery', I now think I must have been a real SOB in a former life. In a cruel twist of fate, my dad was not a baseball fan but got hooked on the Mets in the early '80s because of my brother and me. You're welcome, old man. Payback is a beotch.