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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. I agree 💯. If the Bills are eliminated, I don't pull for teams who have never won it get one before the Bills do; however, if it came down to a team like the Lions in the SB against anyone in our division or KC or Pittsburgh, I'm pulling for the Lions a hundred times out of a hundred.
  2. There was an 89 year old Lions fan in the stands who has been a season ticket holder for 66 years. He was around for Detroit's last NFL Championship...in 1957. I was really happy for him. Too many of my family members have passed without ever seeing the Bills win anything, including my parents. It has been 31 years since Detroit's last playoff win. That man deserves a shred of happiness for that kind of devotion. Good for him, good for Lions fans.
  3. Must be something about head coaches starting with 'Mc' needlessly wasting timeouts...
  4. I really wish his first name were 'Kay'.
  5. You guys sure love your dead...er...'expired' coaches. BTW, is that 'Bill' with two 'L's or three?
  6. A step towards 2024 but, sadly...still no.
  7. Belly up in 2003. We're going backwards.
  8. I'm pulling for the Lions but there should have been a roughing the QB on the Rams last play that sent Stafford to the tent.
  9. The Dakotas are Minnesota Vikings territory.
  10. Really? After their 'stellar' regular season, I thought they'd magically get better for the playoffs. 😇
  11. This is heavyweight fight with body blow after body blow.
  12. Kyle Williams, Stefon Diggs, & Matt Milano were all 5th Round picks, as well.
  13. As expected, this is turning into a track meet.
  14. He probably felt like he owed it to someone...
  15. Doubling down. You're nothing, if not consistent.
  16. 30 years of pent up cheers will do that to you.
  17. Would you like to rephrase?
  18. I caught that, too, and found it amusing. Wasn't sure if they cut off his audio or if he stopped at "the" intentionally.
  19. Honolulu blue on the move.
  20. Or the Falcons. Ton of offensive talent there.
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