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Everything posted by jethro_tull

  1. I watched it because I already subscribed to 'coque since before the Bills game. Occasional screen freezes last night and I am not talking about the temperature or the icicles in Reid's stash. Really sucks.
  2. He was really enjoying the weather wasn't he? Looked like a statue all night with gold glasses peaking out big black shroud.
  3. plus the fact that there is a driving ban in effect as well as the closure of pretty much major roads and highways leading to the stadium.
  4. It is risk vs. reward. Punting the ball all but guarantees that the offensive team will not score. A long throw gives them a chance to score.
  5. it matters more in games within the division, the old saying you can throw out the record.......
  6. how about a narrow miami win but it takes a toll on them.....
  7. They'd have some s'plain'in to do.....
  8. it is getting ridiculous but will probably get worse. look for more Billsploitation too. the networks know will do anything to watch the games. for me it was youtube nfl, nfl network plus and peacock and amazon prime. WTF!!!
  9. i cant concentrate for beans. and i am in the central time zone. what an incredible game, one of the best ever.
  10. imagine not caring........
  11. takes the pressure off the Bills- a better climate for winning IMHO....
  12. Breathe easy tonight boys !
  13. I wish the Bills would start going for the bombs on second and short again!
  14. don't worry, we got tonight !
  15. bend but don't break...
  16. final stand, here we go !
  17. any kind of a score would be nice here- too much time left
  18. good stop, hold them to a FG- wait ! effin PI !
  19. never underestimate the Ref's ability to fruck things up....
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