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Posts posted by BillsCelticsAngelsBama

  1. My draft board has : 1. Amobi Okoye going to the Dolphins and

    2. Patrick Willis going to the Patriots and..


    3. The Staduim Wall going into a state of mourning and deep depression that we spent so much time praising guys that are now the enemy ! Not wanting this but it could happen

  2. I expect Levy to go LB,DT in the 1st 2 rounds. If Willis is there with our first pick I think we take him unless Branch is still on the board. If we get Willis then we go for Justin Harrell from Tennessee or Tank Tyler from N.C. State. If we take Branch first then we go after David Harris or Brandon Siler in the 2nd. In the 3rd is when we pick our running back for the future. One of these guys should still be there with our first 3rd. Tony Hunt, Kenny Irons, Michael Bush. To secure the guy Levy wanted I wouldn't be surprised if he traded both 3rds for another 2nd.


    Draft A:


    1st: Patrick Willis

    2nd: Justin Harrell

    3rd: Kenny Irons


    1st: Alan Branch

    2nd: David Harris

    2nd: (trading both 3rds) Tony Hunt


    I would be happy with either draft.

    Draft A would be my preference. I am just not a fan of Harris, Branch or CB Hall. I don't know why that is. I don't dislike Michigan but just don't want them on our roster.

  3. Pro Football Weekly had Whitner rated as the highest safety. (They projected Huff at CB). They had him rated as a first round pick.

    Don't dispute that. But no one had him rated near #8. Only Mike Mayock, after he was told that the Bills were going take him, rated him that high. I think everyone was shocked by the pick, but in hindsight it was an excellent choice. But two months before the draft the majority of publications I subscribe to had him anywhere from late first to mid second.

  4. I think Joe Newton from Oregon State wouldn't be bad for a late round addition. In my incredibly humble opinion he is much better than most of the guys on the of the roster currently. I can't see using a high pick on one unless the kid from Arizona State (Miller) is staring at us in the third round... unlikely. I think you would have to take him since he is an above average blocker AND receiver. If not, hopefully a free agent pick-up or late rounder can come in and compete 'cuz an upgrade is in order.

  5. How bout instead of a Whitner, the Bills pull a BUNKLEY or a WINSTON

    Hey, I wanted Justice or Ngata (never wanted Bunkley) and was bummed out with the pick. I guess it's the brain washing from all the mag's etc. that made it tough to take having my team use the eighth choice on a guy not rated near that high. Guess that's why I'm making high priced gasoline, Mel Kiper is not on a team's payroll and so many of the so called "reaches" turn out well.

  6. If that is the scenario the choice is obvious !! "With the 12 th pick in the first round the Buffalo Bills select...









    Troy Smith QB Ohio State".



    Actually they all sound good but the more I've seen of Chris Houston (in game clips, not workouts) he looks like a great cover man. He may have a personality of a McGahee or worse (I have no idea) but he looks like a stud... but probably too high for him.

    Go Bills !

  7. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch, my friend 0:)


    I "attack" ill-conceived logic and formulations, not people. If I get a little excited about it, it is only because some people go to extremes with it and that annoys me. Perhaps that is my conceit but I acknowledge this. You are way too sensitive. How could I personally attack someone on an internet forum? I know NOTHING ABOUT ANY OF YOU LOL!


    Please respond to this post http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?s=&am...st&p=941328

    if you would like to engage in further discussion....


    Please tell me what is so unreasonable about that response, and by unreasonable, of course, i only mean does not show a reasoned perspective.

    I have looked at your responses and the one you gave to me was very reasoned. Kudos. Just have seen too many guys who would rather personally attack someone who doesn't like the direction the team is going. A person can love the Bills and still not like for example,choosing Johnson over Flutie, drafting McCargo, taking McGahee etc.(I actually was in favor of keeping Johnson and my son has never let me live that one down) You shouldn't blindly say well there is nothing we can do about it. We can still be upset when the team you love blunders. That is part of being a fan.

  8. Yes, i hope he does too. We are relying heavily on him.


    I or you have no idea what teams would have drafted him where last year or what teams had him rated at what level. The fact is: our coaching staff and management had him highly rated, specifically to play a certain role in our kind of defense. Not every team plays the same kind of defense and/or looks for the same kind of player to play a certain kind of role. This affects how they grade a player and how highly they covet him.

    I do see your point and you may be right. All I'm saying is that it's too early to render his sentence. We would have practically Zero players on this team that we drafted if we gave up on them after their rookie year because they weren't pro bowlers their rookie year.

    They must be tendering him for some reason. Maybe just to have a warm body at camp, but they didn't have to tender him. And it's not like a professional football teams is in the 850,000 charity business.... We can all post here about how he is the shite-ist thing since shite but they still tendered him. So we'll see. I, for one, doubt he makes the team, but that's just a hunch.

    I think they think Tripplett will be even better this year with a year under his belt in the system and with the improvement of his fellow players on the line and the addition of McCargo back into the rotation. I think they saw improvement in his play over the second half of the season and I think they are not willing to give up on him. It is very easy just to say all our DT's are "pathetically weak". But a blanket generalization such as this does not take into account the salary cap, which obviously I don't have to inform you about, and the general cohesion of the overall scheme, each player fulfilling their specific task in the scheme so that others can be successful in their spot. Our whole defense had to learn a new defense last year. Marv is now beginining to get all the right players he wants to play this defense, so I expect to see a drastic improvement in filling gaps, holding down lanes, etc. this year with a year under the belt and the continued improvement of young players.

    A superificial judgment, imo. "They are horrible" does not really cut it, imo, as a proper and thorough critique of the situation. Our DT's are not "undersized". Undersized relative to what? The average fan's concept of what a DT should be? Ask the Bears and the Colts what size their DT's are. Somehow they both made it to the super bowl. Now I'm not saying that Larry Tripplett is Tommy Harris, but then again, who is? The point is, the name of the game is team defense, execution, and proper discipline in filling your gaps etc. McCargo needs to emerge as a force. Everything is relying on that. He is supposed to be our Tommy Harris or the next best thing. You may scoff at that, but that's why we drafted him in the 1st round. Any full critique of our DT rotation is immature until we can see him play significantly.

    No, I certainly will never claim to know more than the coaches. Here's the point though: as a fan, YOU HAVE TO have faith in whatever current Bills coaching staff and management is in place. What else can you do? There is nothing else to do! So yes, I do have faith in them, because I can't go draft a petition and have a bunch of fans sign it, hand it to Ralph and force him to Bring Parcells or Cowher in to coach.... The fact is this is Levy's second offseason; we are now beginning to see how he is remaking this roster in his and jauron's image (i believe they are very similar in football philosophical bent). Rome wasn't built in a day. We saw considerable improvement last year as a team. That is undeniable. What reason is there to suspect that this improvement will not continue? I will continue to believe that there is no reason that we can't improve because I see what one year has done for us and see no reason to believe that his philosophy and paradigm shift in attitude and play will cease to continue this year.


    Again, what else is there to do? Unless you have a significant share in the Bills' ownership, Marv is the man making the decisions for the at least near future. And many people do think they are professional football talent evalutors. I don't, that's why I steer cleer from blanket judgments on issues of talent and prefer to try to see the "invisible hand" so to speak behind the way Marv is trying to build this team so as to come to a better understanding of why he and Juaron make the decisions that they do. I prefer a more positive, hopeful attitude that, I think, allows me to take the most enjoyment possible from following the Bills.

    Polian also has stated repeatedly that he credits Marv Levy more than anyone for teaching him what he knows about football today. I'm not going to bicker about who had what influence back then, but unless you can personally find a way to dethrone Levy and install Polian as our GM, then this whole argument is completely moot and pointless. He is our GM and people should stand behind him with faith. I think Levy, of all people, has earned that in the hearts and minds of Buffalo sports fans.

    No one will argue that the DT's need to improve for us to take the next step, whatever that is. I think we all need to remember that McCargo being injured really was a big blow to our DT rotation last year and put us behind on the development of all our DT's within the system. Hopefully, his emergence this year will show us where we truly stand on that front and where the others DT's stand, as one standout DT will certainly improve the effectiveness of our other DT's within the rotation by drawing double teams, etc. We will see if Marv addresses the DT position further in the draft. I very much doubt it as a high pick because he spent a 1st rounder on McCargo last year and he hasn't had a chance to really play yet; I see a possibility for a mid round pick.

    I really don't think we disagree all that much except in" faith". I hope that you are right but I don't see this DT situation being anything but less than average unless McCargo is something special because there is nothing else there but hopes and prayers.

    I guess my point is faith without reason is foolishness and though I am not saying those who "Trust in Marv" are foolish", those who are skeptical are not fools for being skeptical.

    To see gold in Langston Walker, Kyle Williams, and Anthony Thomas etc. takes a lot of faith and hope. I do hope you are right and this G.M./Coach bring a championship to the most loyal fans in the country but I remain very, very, skeptical for this year if DL is not addressed. Just a matter of perspective. Go Bills

  9. My name is swahili for "Pretty Pink Hair Ribbon"

    Wow. I was way off. I thought Sketch was foreign for "Sarcasm without humor" and Soland meant " 1.)Standing up for those in authority without rhyme nor reason and ... 2.)personally attacking those who dare criticize a team that hasn't made the playoffs in a decade

  10. Until Andre Davis is resigned, and that's an if, we need a WR anyways.

    I haven't been able to sleep wondering about the Andre Davis signing. I believe Davis is a longshot if George Wilson is ever given a chance. I would take Moulds over Davis if it came down to a fourth receiver, even considering special teams.

  11. WTf did Eric Moulds do that was so bad anyways???


    The Bills were coming off a 9-7 and barely missed the playoffs. So how does the team decide to make it's playoff push? By cutting Bledsoe and allowin basically a rookie to play. Fine, but it is clear that KH outplayed JP through camp. EM didn't say a word until it became clear that JP (and I'm as big of a fan of JP as there is) flat out was terrible. EM was a leader and spoke up with what the team wanted and they wanted to save their season. It wasn't a personal thing, it was a win thing. EM played in one of the crappiest eras of football.


    Personally, this tells me a lot about Moulds. There's no way the younger verison of him would be humbled like he was and want to come back at a diminshed salary and role. The guy must really want to be a part of the Bills. I say bring him back and there's one less hole on this team.

    I think if he has any gas left in his tank and can make that catch on third down to keep a drive going all will be forgotten. Peerless Price was brought back and Moulds has more talent than him... unless he just lost it all in one year. Bring him back if he can help ! Go Bills

  12. This post is racing to Canton as we speak! :devil:


    McCargo is a 1st round pick that we traded up for. We are obviously going to give him a chance to show his stuff, which hasn't happened yet because he's hardly played. For this reason, it is also highly unlikely that Marv will invest a second 1st round pick in a row on a DT, when there are other positions that have yet to be addressed at all. This is logical, all though by no means a sure thing.


    It was a surprise Williams contributed as much as he did last year, and it is certainly not outside the realm of possibility that he will show further improvement and become a better player. You, however, seem to discount the possibility of a player i]improving[/i] upon their rookie campaign. You have to show patience with young players that you draft that show potential. Otherwise, how do you build a team?


    Anderson is Anderson. No argument there. It certainly is no skin off our back to bring him to camp again and see what happens from there.


    Tripplett showed improvement the second half of the season. Hopefully he becomes more comfortable with the system, and hopefully Williams' improvement or the improvement of whoever mans the other DT spot will continue his improvement. The simple fact also is that we have invested too much money in Tripplett to marginalize him. So we will see.


    The whole "undersized" slam is really odd, because our coaching staff and HOF general manager all seem to think that all of our "undersized" DT's are exactly the right size that we need to play the kind of defense that we play. Criticizing execution is one thing. Saying they are all "undersized" is just a cop-out superficial way of saying that they did not execute their respective roles and assignments in our defense as well as they should have.


    The truth is all of our DT's that win a spot on this year's upcoming team will need to improve their execution for us to be a better team, especially against the run. There is a reason that we do not sign or draft 340 lb. DT's, and that is not because it supremely pisses off all the armchair fans who know who should play DT better than professional NFL coaches :ph34r:


    Paragraph by paragraph

    1. All I said about McCargo is that he is an unknown. He was a first round pick in name only. Although it was rumored that the Giants were interested in him, teams like the Chargers, had him rated a fourth round prospect. I hope he turns in to something

    2. All Williams showed is that he , if given time, could be a poor man's Jeff Wright/Mike Lodish. I have all the games taped (will be glad to send them to you) and see a lot of plays that he is near and around and NOT making. Sure he is a rookie, I'll give you that, but he doesn't give me as much confidence as you that he'll be anything more than a scrub.

    3.Anderson. Enough said

    4. The money the Bills spent on a journeyman DT like Tripplett does not justify not trying to take a stud early, unless they are more concerned about not looking like they made a mistake rather than improving a pathetically weak area.

    5. Undersized. You are right. They didn't execute either. They also got their a$$es blown off the ball because they were small and with minimal talent, technique.... whatever. They are horrible.

    6. I never claim to know more than the coaches and neither do you. But some on this board want to blindly say the Bills know what they are doing and blame everything on the previous regime. The other side continually criticizes every move. They are both very tiresome.

    I have been a fan since 1965 and will be the happiest guy on the face of the earth if the Bills WON a Superbowl before I die.

    But the continual attacks with the "Trust Marv', "You think you know more than the management", arguments are weak, at best.

    The I trust Marv contingent must remember that Polian made the picks in the 80's/90's and Polian has something that Levy does not...A RING

    I just don't see a sniff at the playoffs without an upgrade to a horrible defensive line. If that is being an armchair QB, so be it.

    Go Bills !

  13. Yeah I agree...I am on the Marcus Thomas campaign --only because I think he can be had late enough due to his pot use in college lol.

    I don't know anything about this guy. If he has had several other issues should be avoided but if not...

    I just want a guy who wants to take the QB's head off instead of a guy who is lucky to stay on his feet (Anderson).

  14. That is true, the draft is really deep in DB's though the more I think about it. no real need to draft one in round one....And since we got several DT's last year, we probably wont draft one of them first round either... so I guess it is LB, or RB eh?

    Yeah, Kyle Williams and John McCargo are racing to Canton as we speak. The DL stinks and a stud is needed. Williams and Tripplett are undersized, McCargo is an unknown and Anderson is the worst DT I have ever seen in a Bills uniform after August.

    If McCargo steps up our DT's go from pathetic to weak. Another is needed... and not some leftover on day 2 of the draft.

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