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Everything posted by Billistic

  1. I'm only a newbie in this little pond, Big Fish, so stick your effing "tone"... Who do you expect reads your crap except a few of your droogies here? On cosmic terms, blaming the season on Edwards is as smart as you are...
  2. One could easily make the case that the entire Bills team cost us 9 games in 2008 9 games in 2007 and 9 games in 2006. brilliant insight... Hmmmm...who should we focus on?...is it ...Satan, perhaps?
  3. Thank you! The guy looks like he's playing Twister on double moves...
  4. Well, since Lindell and Moorman had off years (for them) in 2008: - McKelvin and Parrish on returns (depending on ability to adjust to the new anti-wedge rules) - The wideouts (Evans and TO) - Stroud (as long as his gas tank doesn't dry out) - the running backs (except for Thug Mode missing the 1st 25% of the season) OK, help me out...
  5. major concerns: 5th - Trent Edwards: Fact or fiction? 4th - mushy defensive back seven (except for McGee) coached by Frewell 3rd - Dick Jauron cannot countenance playing offense (limber up, Moorman and Lindell) 2nd - no pass rush (8th consecutive year) - unless Maybin is Son-O-God 1st - having a virtual offensive line in the AFC East coached by Kugler
  6. Having Bill Polian in the FO and giving him a FREE HAND, is the best system at the Colts.
  7. Thanks for the warning. Now I'll be able to prepare myself for your onslaught.
  8. I hope you're not having another one of your grumpy days...
  9. I was at Cactus. Tim Bogert broke a string on his bass, so they stopped playing. Jeff Beck then deliberately broke a guitar string, and they started up playing again. I'll PM you.
  10. Dockery was let go instead of traded for some talent, and then immediately picked up to start for the Redskins. He'll probably have a fine year for them in 2009, just like London Fletcher has been having since the Bills dumped him.
  11. For god's sake, I really had no idea that humor was prohibited from this site. Now I know...
  12. wow! Impressive list, but what about Uncle Sam's night club? I think it was somewhere around Walden and Union, or maybe George Urban and Dick. Previously, it had been a lumber yard. Your shoes would stick to the floor every time you took a step because there was spilled Boone's Farm strawberry wine everywhere. The dance floor was a mile long, and had colored lights that moved in synchrony with the drum set.
  13. Thanks. I'm probably never going back there, but I misspent my first 25 years there, and nostalgia hits every once in awhile. Fillmore G. Cleveland
  14. I think there's less than six people who know the words to the NA (and I'm not one of them). Here's my limit: Oh, say can you see, dah da dah dah da da...
  15. There used to be a cider mill somewhere in Elma, and, if you had apple trees, you could bring your ripe apples, and they would make juice out of them. That was pretty cool. I thought Elma Meadows and especially Niagara Parks (in Ontario) were very fine golf courses. I saw some really great stuff at the Lewiston Art Park: * the Buffalo Symphony and some fine soloists and choruses performing Beethoven's 9th * Twyla Tharp's dance company
  16. No. Because Tony was All World, the prototypical LT: Speed, strength, football smarts...you name it. Langston may be adequate, with some help. Boselli had one injury. It ended his career.
  17. OK, poll: Who will have a breakout year for the Bills this season? A) John McCargo B) Ashton Youboty C) James Hardy D) Chris Ellis E) other (explain)
  18. Langston is kind of the opposite of Tony Boselli.
  19. Come on, Russ Brandon. Pick up the phone and make it happen!
  20. Buffalo is the only city to have two of its mayors go on to become President of the country. Guess their names. It was also the first city in America to have electric street lights.
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