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Riverboat Ritchie

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  1. Be good, Do good, God Bless and Go Bills.
  2. Cancelled cable after AFCCG, any link to speech?
  3. Friend of mine who was at game, took pictures of all the Chiefs fans leaving before presentation of Lamar Hunt trophy. They said that is was expected. Can you imagine that level of cockiness
  4. Have we ever had someone win rookie of the year on offense or defense?
  5. I know I’m still bitter and all and a Bills fan but I’m not interested in any of it. Typically I like the week leading up to bowl for story lines and such but won’t even watch what talking heads say as it’s just boring. I’ll probably follow score but also wint turn on unless chiefs getting killed….which I kinda hope for but eagles fan base a bit obnoxious.
  6. Still stinks. Lets get this SuperBowl over. Go Bills.
  7. Would love a 3 year extension. At 13-15 per but that is wishful thinking with way out after 2 years. A josh rework and extension could make it work. At beginning of year I was a lot higher on extending Groot, Bernard, and Benford than cook but now think priorities need to be Benford and cook.
  8. I love football and sucks this weekend that there is not much it other than Senior Bowl, but I just want this SuperBowl to be over because man did we blow it.
  9. We were relatively healthy and still had lots of team on rookie deals. I always hopeful but realistically don’t think we can get it done and that stinks.
  10. Agreed. Yeah we lost game(s) and it’s frustrating and disappointing but the Bills community is second to none and let the kid be apart of it (would also encourage wife to get more involved too). Joe Marino said it pretty well a couple days ago, that in a world with so much division and hate, it’s awesome to be apart of something that brings people together. I live with kids on west coast but brother sent me some WNY news moments over the week of philharmonic getting ramped up, schools, and even Aquirium getting behind the team and community. You don’t get that in SF or LA. It’s a special community. Yesterday my 12 year old who had a free dress day chose to put on his JA17 jersey and headed into Lions den to get all the heckling. It is awesome. Frustrating and sometimes seems insane but the benefits (I think) outweigh the heartache even in defeat. Go Bills.
  11. Giving myself one to two days to B word and moan. Also for first time ever telling myself I am not going to watch Evil vs Evil in SuperBowl. Its irrational and immature but strangely makes me feel a bit better. Go Bills.
  12. Just canceled all tixs to Buffalo for parade and rental car. Got 80000 points back.
  13. I know it’s childish and immature and I love football but I think it might be a good year to boycott and go skiing or something during SuperBowl. Even during Patriots reign I never thought about not watching but so tired of tay tay (recognize she is a good performer), the chiefs, Mahomes and the Kelces that I am not sure I could stomach it. I am also not a big fan of the Eagles and their a hole fans although Saquan is awesome. This sucks. Go Bills.
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