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Clippers of Nfl

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Everything posted by Clippers of Nfl

  1. Hermit the frog should apply.
  2. Never heard of him. Too late now, I guess.
  3. I dont freaking get this.... With like a billion horny guys out there just waiting for a woman to ask the best question in life "Do you want to have sex with me?"
  4. Yes. she's hot.
  5. Because of the obvious reasons of discretion and secrecy, I cant blame the users of AM for trusting the website.
  6. More like Yuck. Would ya?
  7. I didnt think bank tellers existed anymore. I thought they had cardboard boxes at the windows. No. Now I wanna be a real dick. Jk.
  8. Exactly. Funny thing is if I would have said, "you're so crazy that a light bugs you" Then that would have been a normal post. But psycho makes me the worlds biggest ahole dik jerk punk ass. Like really???
  9. For what. In high school you have like only 4-5 REALLY REALLY close friends. All the other ones are meh. If you keep in contact with the 4-5 really close friends, what's the point. Do you really have interest in the other 295 that you just said hi to every now and then?
  10. No. One would assume things are in place to prevent this from happening. That would be like me not opening a checking account on fear that one day it could get hacked. Stupid me for opening checking accounts. Your argument killed in one post. Dont feel bad. Ha ha. Too be expected. Lol. Stupid men. Ha ha ha ha
  11. I call bs on that one. There is not even a million people in Alaska. Fill that state with 10 million people and I guarantee the crime/murder rate increases. You're not going to thank Alaska D? Lol.
  12. How is it proven to work? Assuming the crew had guns too, then it could have been a massacre, possibly injuring/killing many more people. So everyone walking around with a gun will create less violence?? Really?
  13. I dont know how you want me to answer this question Rob. It may not be appropriate or fair to represent just one side of the debate. But I sure as hell am not going to argue in favor of the right to bear arms amendment.
  14. When the objects are the cause, who or what is one to blame? It's like NOT blaming drugs on the drug addict. Of course it's the fault of the person, but the drug takes some blame too.
  15. Good response to the moron that suggests that anything can be a weapon. A gun may be a decoration in your living room, but the main purpose is not to be a freaking ornament. But it is to kill or cause serious injury.
  16. Not after a shooting or a school massacre. That's for sure.
  17. Most kids did. That dream did not come true for me.
  18. I hate this. This always comes up. Even after school massacres. Some gun pro lobbyist or politician comes up with that brilliant idea. Suggesting MORE guns at the wrong time. Never fails.
  19. Freebird. Cool ass song. Too long though. I think it's 9 minutes long. Hotel Cali, one of the best songs of all time. Good call.
  20. I dont get it. Honest about what? Of course we want to bang practically everything that moves. The desire is there. I think everyone knows that. Just dont act on the desire. At least Im honest. My wife knows. If she croaks. Im waiting a reasonable amount of time (like a few weeks, lol), then Im banging someone or something.
  21. Very good to hear.
  22. I have not seen the video, and not planning to. So you may be right. Either way, I understand what you're saying. Guns are not going away. I just wish they would.
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