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Clippers of Nfl

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Everything posted by Clippers of Nfl

  1. Cool dog. Does Kiwi have chihuaha in her blood line?
  2. Thanks for the info. Your omega reccomendation is 3500 bucks. No thanks. 1000 is the most I spend on a watch. But then again, Im not a watch enthusiast.
  3. The rockest barely won game 2. Clipps smoked them game 3 and 4. It could have almost been a sweep Yolo. Damn. Now I know how the Oilers felt in the comeback game..... I would have preferred the clipps lose all 4 vs the way they lost.
  4. Exactly. A lot of old people talk like that. I have "never" or I "always". When I told him in the last 50 years it was really the most crowded EVER? He said yes!!!
  5. A coworker. Super duper old guy said "The most action I've EVER seen" He uses dumb sayings like that. He even told me "Man I have NEVER seen the theather this crowded" Really since 1950, this weekend was the most crowded you've ever noticed the theater????
  6. Stupid Ass Clippers Being a bills and clippers fun is tough....
  7. How can you collect a hug? That's something that cannot be collected. You will let go eventually.
  8. Not a haiku. Just pointing out how Buffalobill way cooler than uncool Beerboy
  9. whats wrong with tag. i use that.
  10. Lingerie for her. New phone for me. Cruise for us.
  11. Im really glad you cleared the part about not having sex with your son. lol
  12. Update: Celebration really happend last night after the girls went to bed. Update #2 She calls me today to have a surprise lunch. I rejected her. But I was at Costco. Not my fault. Plus who does anything on Wednesday. Update #3 We're going on a cruise in October. Celebration will continue then.
  13. That last warning point you gave me was lame. Do not come to LA. Be more like Buffalobill. He removes points. Be cool like him. Not uncool like you.
  14. I meant to say did you do anthing special for your 15 year anniversary? Last year. Or just a movie, dinner, and sex?
  15. This dude sounds like the average pit bull. Sucks for the woman that died.
  16. I prefer the Colts were outcheated.
  17. Gug, did you do anything for 15?
  18. You want me to take out the ol wedding album? I didnt look good back then. Sorry. Wife was and still looks like a superstar.
  19. If you and your wife had half the love me and my wife have for each other, you 2 would be married forever. I read that somewhere. But I dont know where. It was a beautiful thing to tell another individual on their anniversay, so I wanted to share it early for you.
  20. I'll make sure I tell my wife that tomorrow. Thanks.
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