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Clippers of Nfl

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Everything posted by Clippers of Nfl

  1. Ha ha. Stupid uncle sam took 1100 from me last year. They're NOT getting this $500.
  2. Correct. That's why 7k is too many. 2 or 3 is just right.
  3. Wife and I are going to to a 7 day cruise in October. So nice husband/wife thing out the window. I dont want to hurt his feelings remember.
  4. Small auto claim last year. Paid $500 to get car fixed and now Progressive recovered it from the old lady. Im not broke at all, but not rich either. All my bills are paid and I only have $360 in total credit card debt. Really just cause I bought a laptop last week from Dell. This is like finding $500 since Progressive told me that the old lady would most likely not pay for the damage, even in collections... Now someone might say, pay the laptop and you still have $140 to take your kids out to a nice dinner. BORING BORING BORING Any other NON BORING suggestions? Ps. As the loveable husband that I am I tell my wife EVERYTHING. Except I didnt tell her this. Not yet anyway. I'll tell her later this week.
  5. Wow................................................................. Longest I've EVER waited for AAA is 30 minutes. Most of the time just 20 out here in Socal. But I get your point.
  6. So my netflix sub should be spent on more than just watching boring docs and old saved by the bell reruns??? Best thing that marvel done to date????? Nothing beats Rebecca Romijn and Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique.
  7. The inventor has to be ashamed of this poop. What if someone has diarrehea in their undies. How will the machine know the difference.
  8. Get a real wedding Loser!
  9. Oh ok. But who cares. If you have AAA. Just wait.
  10. Damn he had a harem of 7k. I wish I had a harem of 2 or 3.
  11. She's actually decent looking. I wouldnt mind trying to align her spinal cord back to normal.
  12. Sorry bro. I would love to work in a prostitution ring, but my wife wouldnt let me. And I wouldnt let her either.
  13. Never been to Tex, so what are you implying?
  14. "You cant block the monkey's view, that aint right. It's ok I'll give you a banana THIS big"
  15. He does say hi back. Im busy. It's not always 10 x either. Sometimes just 2. That's my problem. How do you see a person and not say anything? I know this is a stupid problem to have, yet it's real people. It's real.
  16. Just wear a parachute at all times. Man I should get paid for this. By the way of course Im not scared of homos, I just dont really like male homosexuals. Reason: They are too agressive. Even if you tell them that you are straight, some still harass you. Specially coworkers that know you cant beat them up. It's happened to me a bunch of times and to my brother.
  17. Do you call this lazy. A lady told me. The govt gives me 1400 bucks a month. If I work part time and make 400 bucks for example, the government takes away what I made and only gives me 1000 bucks. So she logically thought I might as well not work and keep 1400. Is this lazy, smart, dumb, or all of the above? If a bum doesnt ask me, they're not getting anything. So now I have to put the effort in just giving money away.... If they want my 60 cents, they better beg for it.
  18. This is a story of you walking to your atm thinking you have 5 thousand dollars, but the banks take 4 thousand dollars to bail themselves out of trouble.
  19. She could wrap her legs around me twice.
  20. They're all valedicks to me.
  21. Effit then. Im a homophobe.
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