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Clippers of Nfl

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Everything posted by Clippers of Nfl

  1. Can a drone drop brazil butt contestants at my office?
  2. Very good one. Edit: Thanks Astro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. "If defenses were allowed to touch me I would look like this"
  4. Ass an ass person, this was heaven. Yeah I know there's better porn and stuff. But I still enjoyed.
  5. I have an appointment with the bankruptcy office Friday at 10am. Bankruptcy was a much better option for me at this time. He said he would charge me $600. The same amount on the 2nd card. Im happy now. $8.34 a month for 12 months is easy JJ. I probably would have just paid that in full.
  6. That's why I felt no shame revealing my newly acquired debt. Thanks to everyone that answered my question.
  7. Lol. I remember those days. Funny how at first you didnt hide it under the seat. You would pull-out and take it home. After a while is when you probably stashed it under the seat or the glove compartment.
  8. Lol. Guys what the heck. Should I call the bankruptcy attorney? Wow. I said it would be paid in 5 months. You guys make it seem like Im the only guy in the world with credit card debt. You guys make it seem like Im sleeping with my kids and my wife WITH OUR NEW BED in the Gas station bathroom everynight. lol Are all bills fans are super rich, make the right decisions, and marry hot 10 wives, except me?
  9. $13 bucks man. C'mon. That's the one I use right now on my work car. $13 bucks. Partly true. To the point of uselessness??? Not accurate. The one I use gives me a little static every now and then. All the other times works just like a direct connect to the aux hole.
  10. I dont mind the judging. Apparently you are doing fine. I actually love that. Not being sarcastic. I prefer hearing good positive stories than the usual "Im broke stories" that I hear every day By the way my spending scares you regarding the economy??? It's only a 2 page thread. If you read it, you'll read how just 3 months ago I had zero debt. Most of the times its like that. But its summertime, my bro in law is getting married in Sept, and Im going on a FULLY PAID cruise for one week in October. So yeah expenses add up. My lame summer splurge scares you..... Let me tell you what is really scary. I deal with the public. As a general rule. This is what I see every freaking day. 8 broke people barely surviving. 1 ok. 1 wealthy. This is how it is in the real world. You know how you're supposed to have at least 6 months in the bank just in case. In my case I have 5 months secured right now. So yeah I have the money. I just wanted some advice. Im the 1 ok guy out of 10. Good advice if I was going to take a long time paying it off. I like Maydays option. In 5 months they'll be done.
  11. Maybe because it's not a gigantic 50k debt. Or they feel sorry for me. One of those 2. Bad option.
  12. Never heard of a pie converter. Learn something new everyday. Thanks.
  13. i like drinking milk and i play on my phone a lot. That pretty much describes your entire life. So I know Im a top candidate.
  14. They have cheaper than 12 bucks. But crappy quality. Like super crappy. I tried the stupid cheap ones and they would work fine for like 5 months... The $13 dollar one was my last resort. That or just install a new radio with the aux hole. Happy as heck with my $13 dollar one. Exactly. lol. Specially me when I said DONT BUY ANTHING TILL YOU GET MY RECOMMENDATION. LOL
  15. Plenz this one is good too. 40 bucks vs the one I sent 13 bucks. Just depends how cheap you wanna be. The $13 one I sent does not list the artists during playback. It just works great with zero static. Up to you.
  16. Dont buy anthing till yor read my reply. Just let me check my amazon orders. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HIATW04?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00
  17. I trained a dog and I cant live with roaches. Hope this springs me to the top of the list.
  18. You're also probably 13 1/2 years old. Everyone over age 30 had a landline at one point. That and pay phones was all we had available. Cell phones didnt become crazy popular till 2000 or maybe even after that. 2005ish.
  19. i went to sit n sleep. they are very big over here in cali. they do financing. i didnt even ask about it. lame.
  20. By the way yes you are right. HOWEVER, you gotta live a little and no. Im not THAT guy. Just 3 months ago I was talking to mom and we both shared to each other that we had our cards clean. Zero on them. Debit all the way. Well my mom hasnt carried card debt since probably 2002. So she doesnt count. But I remember 3 months ago, my debt was ZERO, ZILCH, NADA. Damn that's a lot of interest.... Wow. I dont know why. I guess I didnt use my dumb head. I didnt figure it would take that long at $200 a month. 11 months is a long time... Thanks for the info Mayday.
  21. Actually I kinda lied. $200 was all that I wanted to do. Since realistically it's not a real big debt either. I can do $400 a month. And with both your options it's not even a $20 difference. I prefer having debt on just one card. So im doing option 2. Thanks guys. That was quick and painless.
  22. Sorry. Clarification. $200 COMBINED for both. I'll edit the 1st post.
  23. See just when I was convinced the other way. Now your logic makes more sense. Hate that I will pay 2 cards each month. But your way is better.
  24. Very funny. It's called stimulating the economy. Actually all joking aside. That's what the mattress guy told me. "Thanks for contributing to the economy"
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