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Clippers of Nfl

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Everything posted by Clippers of Nfl

  1. who uses mapquest. use "Goole maps" It's an app on the android market. You know what android is?
  2. I most likely will get a raise in 2016. If I dont get it, I'll post it in the negative thread.
  3. You're good man. You're good. How did you figure it out? I wanted to apply for a Capital One card cuz I like they're slogan, "What's in your wallet" But I need to get a wallet first. And see that's the pickle im in. I need to have their card to be able to afford a wallet to put their card in. So what the hell am i going to do?? The slogan "Whats in your hand along with your license and papers and stuff" sounds stupid. Help me.
  4. If I do a transfer balance from the high one to the low one then Im going to incur a transfer fee. Even more money lost. I think balance transfers are ok for big ass debts.
  5. I do know my score. Dont have a credit counselor. That was part of the joke too.
  6. My credit counselor lied to me then. Please see below. After 4 pages of being scrutinized, If my credit score was really that low, 550, you think I would post it here? Lol guys. Lol.
  7. Just say "accidentally" forgot your wallet at home. But really just leave it under the seat of the car or in your glove compartment.
  8. LMAO. Im just being real. At first my wife never did it with the dog in the room. Now it doesnt matter. (This is actually pretty funny. He gets all scared and gets off the bed.) I just moved into a much bigger house. I was in a 2 bedroom. Now Im in a 4 bedroom house. Basically I moved in with the mother in law. She couldnt afford anything and Im pretty much taking over. I moved July 1st. The first week was weird. Having sex while her mom was still awake in the other room was weird. Room is across the hallway, but still. But 2nd week I told my wife. "Look hun, I dont care if you're mom is awake, asleep, we need to do our thing" So now it doesnt matter. I felt odd the first time. But not anymore. That's what I meant by IM CLOSING THE DOOR AND ITS HAPPENING. Regarding my mom. I would do the same. I would close the door and do it even if my mom is still awake. Doesnt matter. Im closing the door and it's happening. Im not doing the "lets wait till everybody goes to sleep" Screw that! Cuz then I'll fall asleep too. That's my sex logic.
  9. I dont know if I should be thanking you for the advice, becaue I dont think it really applies to me. Again a week ago, I had 1k in debt. Forget that. Wrong word. 1k on a credit card. Just 3 months ago I had zero credit card debt. (like everyone else on tbd) I've said a few times already that, I, like all you finance good guys, like to have my cards clean with zero on them. Yes Im like that too. So who is or are the real boneheads? Me or all of you? I hope you didnt think I was being serious about the bankruptcy. That was a joke. My credit counselor said my credit was very very good. 550, 551, or 555 is my credit score. I think it's 50 points under the best. So I must be doing something right.
  10. That's what he gets for reading books in the first place. Guys dont read books. Just women.
  11. You are 100% correct. If you deduct the 1900 all at once, I dont have 5 full months of salary. Anyway $40 bucks interest is not going to make me or break me. Im doing the 5 month plan option. Thanks to all and to all a good night.
  12. Says who? 3 months ago all cards were at zero balance. Even the 2nd card had a zero balance just 6 days ago.
  13. That's only true if you allow it to become true. I have kids. I have sex with my dog in the room. My mother in law in the next room. My mom in the next room. It doesnt matter. Im closing the door and its happening. Unless my wife is sick we are on a 3-4 times per week year round. No exceptions.
  14. Yeah and no. If I pay everything in full it will cut into my 5 months. So I dont really want to do that. But I do have it. I never said I put the bed on 19% credit. I paid most debit and 600 on credit. The lower apr one. That one had zero balance until this last Saturday. No one on tbd ever carries a balance, like EVER? Keep in mind I dont have 8 credit cards with 5k maxed out on each. Just so you guys know. Not true. Forget about me. 2k is really nothing compared to a lot of americans struggling big time. If I was struggling like crazy, I would not have put my question out there. Not ashamed at all. Getting out of debt is not easy if you have a mediocre job, have health issues, or just not very intelligent. I completely disagree with you here.
  15. Meathead107 and Scary Chef at undisclosed fingery type location? Hell no! Thanks for the invite. But hell no is my response.
  16. Have not done it yet. One day I will.
  17. Can you stop asking about direct tv please? Who does that?
  18. You're a woman. So I know you're a sweet full of laughter person.
  19. Too hard. Millions of topics. I'd rather just call DT tech. Anybody else know how to do this? Edit: Omg. Newer system. Newer remote. They eliminated the input function. STUPID STUPID STUPID.
  20. Upgraded the system to the newest baddest genie with the genie minis last month. Setting up the input on the last remote was easy. After you paired the remote with the tv, it asked you, "do you want to select the "input" function?" Then of course I would say yes and do it. Yesterday I was messing around with the new remote, and it didnt ask me the next step input question. Newer version of dt and remote, Im sure they did not eliminate the input function. Does anybody know how to set up the input function?
  21. I have never bought an 8 track tape or a typewriter. I have a google voice phone number. But I rarely use it. One time they emailed me if I still wanted to keep it. I said yes of course.
  22. Wife got the iphone 5 when it came out 2 years ago. 2 months later she put it through the washing machine by accident..... I zapped it by trying to turn it on while wet. Didnt know. Yes, I know now I could have just dried it out. Paying the 22 or 25 monthly ever since. 2 payments left. No I did not have the insurance. No I will never buy the insurance on any phone. I have a 2014 phone and a 2015 tablet. Both no cases. Im careful with my phone and tablet. Wife and kid have cases on their phones/tablets. The're clumsly. Im not. Maybe you will not believe me but I have had a cell phone since 1998 or 1999. I have dropped my phone 2 times in almost 20 years. You just have to make sure before the stupid phone gets off the ground that the stupid thing is fully secured in your hand. Dont just grab fast. Grabbing fast is dangerous. Except if its a brazilian butt..
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