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Clippers of Nfl

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Everything posted by Clippers of Nfl

  1. Cool story, share. Stupid story, share. Cool drink, share. Bad drink, share. Anything coffee, share. I'll start. I had the Lime Refresher this morning. Tastes ok, but has a medicine aftertaste. Would not buy again. Also I never ever say stupid words like Venti or Grande. I ALWAYS USE THE WORKS MEDIUM OR LARGE.
  2. I dont get it. I dont masturbate.
  3. 50 Dead 500 injured Cnn
  4. My wife does all the cooking. Sorry. You could cut the sword from the swordfish and play 1 Musketeer though.
  5. Send me a private message. This is good. This is what I was weating for. Im so excited!!!! For my friend.
  6. Funny how the winner calls the non wearing tampon girl, "tampon" girl.. Hello, she didnt use one!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. In my dreams I had one.
  8. He had more than just an open container opened.
  9. If you like that kind of stuff.... Yeah. I dont.
  10. No, I moved. It was an unexpected situation. The sad part for me is that a very good friend of mine still lives on that block. So I still have to say hi to "stupid smoker" when I see him. Once or twice a month is better than everyday though.
  11. Nice. I was not even a sperm yet when this was made in 1965.
  12. 300 injured 17 killed
  13. I moved right in front of a school. I hate the principal. Lets just say that.
  14. What kind of tips? Just dont use a pad or a tampon. Website closed.
  15. Until the bear ate them all.
  16. For some reason I can understand not killing a frog. It's almost like killing a dog or cat for me. But a rat or mouse????? Screw that. Those things gotta get killed!!!!! Squirels are so small and cute. Why would anyone want to kill these???
  17. He said that is not the objective. He said he could find many cool ways to enjoy the $$$. He wanted an idea that would make the money grow. Ha. Ha. Funny. Plastics. I saw the video. Great future in plastics. Yeah if we want to destroy our planet.
  18. The most humane way is to zap the rats and mice with the electronic traps. They die instantly. I never understood the retarded couple that traps the rat or mice JUST TO LET THEM GO. Hello nice and dumb couple, they will come back into your house!!!!
  19. What? I'd rather be broke and live in 2015 than be rich and live in 1915. But I dont know about my friend.
  20. I pass. I have had sex with an illegal alien. So "been there, done that"
  21. If Goodwin would have been punched, his whole body would have cracked.
  22. Ok Mr Stretch guy from fantastic four.
  23. Yeah but how many appeals can he have??? He alredy lost the MAIN appeal. This is his 2nd. Article said he has at least another appeal. That would be 3. How many appeals does he get? I think Nfl is going to give in. That's my gut feeling. Cry baby beyotch will get his way. Bank on that.
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