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Clippers of Nfl

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Everything posted by Clippers of Nfl

  1. nice comeback nerd. i respect that.
  2. with the bills play the last seasons...i am a game to game fan. i really want to see a blow out. badly! like 45-9. not because i hate the fins. just because we CAN. if we CAN. what about everyone else buffalo nation? 2 td t.o. 2 td lynch 1 td evans 1 td aaron maybin
  3. i agree. in my recollection, tampa has had a strong defense for a long time. very decent run game for a long time. replace tampa with cleveland.
  4. couldnt have said it better if i tried.
  5. without being too harsh on a fellow bills fan. THIS IS THE STUPIDES THING I HAVE EVER HEARD. in first place, you will see how much damage lynch will cause this weekend! 2nd. if u want to be successful in the run game, you NOW need 2 fresh backs. 3rd. fred runs exhausted on a few plays per game. maybe not entirely his fault. relying too much on him and no trust in omon. 4th. lynch is young. fred is in his last glory days. i back lynch 100% as one of the most exciting backs in the league right now. even though we had a "bad" season last year, he is so fun to watch. last thing. i dont want to see fred leave either. but if i had to keep 1. it would be lynch. check my avatar!
  6. UNTIL NOW. beast is back! this one player changes everything. now miami has to fear the run on every single damn play regardless if lynch or fred is back there. i cant believe no one is excited! so if they run the same scheme as last week, our runners will have a field day.
  7. how could there have been no chance to score again? of course there was. we drove on them to score the first td, then we could have done it again.
  8. why not? his trickery has gotten a lot of points and opportunites for us through the years...
  9. exactly. i hope we dont become their first win...
  10. i dont have that same feeling. BECAUSE WE ARE NOT 0-6! guys IF we pound miami, we will all be ok for a while.
  11. i dont get it. marino is your least favorite athlete of all time...... he could never do a thing against the bills. like your own statement says if we were 2-14. we won 2 vs fins. i would think you would hate tom brady since he always beats us. about your other opinion. u r right. when i saw a game down there a few years back all the fans were telling me something negative. get lost, losers, ha ha (cuz they won), and my favorite, a classic "u and your sister can go home now" (that sister was/is my wife) i personally dont hate the fins. i just want them to lose pretty bad this weekend. that way i can feel good for a week or so.
  12. espns show "why you cant blame" had a special dedicated to dan marino. why you cant blame him for not having a superbowl ring. one of the reasons was THE BUFFALO BILLS. for whatever reason, they just couldnt beat us. i guess just like we cant beat the pats. anyway i still hold respect for marino. but maybe cuz he always got the short hand of the stick vs us. or else i would dislike him....
  13. dib your avatar looks like my wife!
  14. whats more annoying is that his finger is broght up from time to time during the show. he talks about it and stuff. honestly i never noticed his dumb finger till he brought it up. its kind of ugly. im trying to be nice.
  15. It's still here. I been going to games for 37 years now and still hate you batsages just as much. That's no reason to be completely uncivil though. Sides my team is sitting at 0-3 well 1-3 after Sundays game so how much squakin can I do lol! See you guy's around!!! wait i thought you were not going to talk trash...1-3 guarantee sounds like a cocky fill in the blank. do u have that much time on your hand to register to 10 team sites to ......whatever geeks do..... oh yeah like i tell all these types, "get lost nerd" i am so glad my 100th post was a get lost nerd post to a non bills fan!!!! yeah baby, yeah!
  16. the only way i will be happy to see this, is if lynch scores the other 2 and a w in the win column. other than that, i will be dissapointed. i want 7 catches for 175 from t.o. is that too much to ask?
  17. dude if this happens, i will b the happiest guy in the whole world for 1 week. please please come true.
  18. first offensive play of the game = none first play on offense = 4 yard run by lynch oh sorry that's just not me. i CAN talk bad about the bills. I just dont feel right. first OFFENSIVE ATTACK is a wide receiver screen to t.o. that goes for 22 yards. go bills.
  19. spoiled email last few emails not in 3 short sentences
  20. redrum redrum. how about we just win the game and everyone keeps their life. lol!
  21. THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO MUCH YESTERDAY. i didnt know sharks could be gay. but i guess if they swim around miami, anythings's possible.
  22. good news: we CAN beat every team in THIS leauge bad news: pop warner league or good news: does not apply to bills. bad news: anything applies here
  23. i got all this butter, but no popcorn yet!!!
  24. i like how you think cm, getting rid of jauron right now is not wise. what singletary is doing with the 49ers is pretty rare. (meaning he took over mid point last year and won more games than lost/and by the way is still doing a hellava job right now/still dont like him). normally a coach comes in mid point and the losses start piling up. i dont know about the bills nation, but i sure dont want that. i prefer 7-9 over 3-13 any year. i know, my standards are pretty low right about now!
  25. damn, everything u said in your post sucks. i sometimes hate that we have sunk so low....
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