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Clippers of Nfl

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Everything posted by Clippers of Nfl

  1. the bills have not stopped the run LATELY. they did a good job against the run the first couple games. we were burned by air. anyway, carolina will attempt to run. but by putting 8-9 in box, they will be forced to throw. our dbs are decent enough and delhomey is struggling enough where we COULD steal a win. anyway this is what i am wishing for. if we get stomped by air and groung game, that will suck. (which could happen too)
  2. good qbs on bad teams = bad team. qb plays a significant role. but not totally. dan marino k warner the first few years in arizona dont even wanto to start a list. u get the point.
  3. i really hope they do. tired of these low scores. we have a much better offense than what this team is showing.
  4. fallin for it...thats funny. mostly all of us thought the jets were going to spank us right into the carolina game. jets lost! anyway i am with you. not falling for it either. however it could go either way. we're not that good. they're not that good. i hope we win. screw a better draft position.
  5. good point. i'm looking forward to t.o. bashing the team and giving the key back! hopefully he would score some tds after that.
  6. i didnt see the game. zero interest. so i cannot judge if the flag/fines are fair. however i can say that players and commentators are aware brady is being favored. (watched inside the nfl after the ravens/pats game and they had a whole segment on this ticky tack crap brady is getting) i want to say get lost ice cold, but damn u have more posts than me. what a **ck! even if the bills were defending superbowl champs, i would never invade other boards....
  7. sounds like someone cant take the heat...
  8. lmao!!!!!! actually Chef Jim i shorten a lot of my words....however i dont want to experience the same bashing the original topic poster is experiencing right now. anyway YOU cracked me up.
  9. at one point i agreed. but once i found out that trent has never thrown over 300 yards a game (once in college)....i'm ready for the next one. if fitz has a field day this weekend or the next u will turn on trent too. anyway just my observation. oh yeah i agree, our offense is much better than has shown. they need to stop the 2 wide out formation as if we only had 2 wrs on our team.
  10. +1 he can stay on the bench if u ask me
  11. wow. then u know what? i give up on trent. i prefer fitz or hamdan 100%. tentative edwards can stay on the bench. thanks for following up.
  12. we ARE talking about a 3rd string qb right??? im off until i see him play AND win.
  13. u may be right. lol! by the way please never ever ever ever ever change your avatar unless u can make it better (which i doubt)
  14. i dont get your reply. hes probably not any good? your foundation for your post is based on what again? i didnt read that part. all i got is fashion awards and hanging with 10. i think he is good BASED on preseason watch. (for the smart @sses on this board, i explain why in previous posts and other topics) i guess we will have to wait and see... i am a bills fan. period. i will back my current starter. so go fitzpatrick. if he goes down. go hamdan!
  15. i dislike grammar nazis! its not the end of the world if dude misspells a damn word or if he uses wrong word. its not grammar class. its football talk!
  16. nuklz2594, i would have to agree with this poster. most of the time in preseason, he looks sharp. plus he doesnt check down on every play. he passes up the middle for good yardage. id also be confident if he came in.
  17. wow. is this stat really true??? not sure. HOWEVER, if this is true, that is sad. the "check down" title would not really be a title, it would be part of his name. Checkdown "Trent" Edwards. there is also no real hope of him every turning into a kelly, warner, manning, etc... the loser that i am thought he would become.
  18. welcom aboard! good catch. by the way, how come trent doesnt do that. manning does that at least once a game and they dont run the no huddle on every play like we are supposedly running. we should have witnessed trent do that at least 5+ times. but have we???? i'm with you writer 21, lets give fitz a shot.
  19. who said anything about decent team??? let us suckers enjoy!
  20. funny how this dude thinks his team is great! if he does, his tunnel aint so bright!!!!
  21. im with you. hated the "wide right" hated that we lost the coin toss. loved that we stopped jets in ot. hated that we didnt convert. loved that we stopped them. then loved when ryan kicked it good. long @ game. but loved the ending. the complaining can start next week....or if u must, tomorrow. especially loved it when jets kicker passed for int. that was funny!
  22. that would equal no momentum for both guys. they need to look at the future. lynch is our future. we should let lynch wear out the defense, throw fj periodically (20%), and we will win.
  23. lynch= less explosive??? lets not insult the best player on our team. please.
  24. thats cuz he is trying to make the best of his 50/50 role. not too heavy. just right. needs more carries.
  25. lol. actually u r right. this happens in practically all the threads.
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