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Clippers of Nfl

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Everything posted by Clippers of Nfl

  1. Ok. Ok. So I went back to re read my posts on this thread. One time I said "Glassy Goodwin" Another time I said "He sure is a glass act" The third time was me prefering Harvin over Goodwin. That's it. That is not really slamming the guy. Ps. I EVEN ACKNOWLEDGED he did a nice gesture somewhere in the thread too. I didnt call you a nerd. You did that yourself.
  2. he sucks now. if they make him #1 in the nfl, i'll get upset.
  3. harry connick jr is the reason why i stopped watching american idol. know it all punk. i hope they put her in jail and make her listen to her dads boring music for a month. that ought to make her a saint when she comes out.
  4. Moved. Got a new account. Free everything. This doesnt really count huh?
  5. guys with small trucks have big dings. Fact. Edit: my truck is so small, it's hard to get into. Super edit: Im just kidding. I dont even have a truck right now. My first ever vehicle when I was 17 was a 1986 Mazda b2000. that was a small truck. Probably smaller than the ranger.
  6. Pretty bold statement for not knowing me. I promise to not use the words glass and Goodwin in a sentence together anymore. HEY BUFFALO. Dont get all serious on me. Am I harsh or are you guys too sensitive? Gosh.
  7. Settle down nerd. Settle down. What a boring place this would be without a little bit of everything. YES even trolling.
  8. Nice gesture from Goodwin. Happy now?
  9. I never thought about that. Im so dumb. So when they're shooting at my head, or trying to use razor sharp saws to saw me in half, I'll try to remember that.
  10. You make it seem like Goodwin is NOT injury prone. Lol.
  11. Boyst and his cows having a ball?
  12. That was porn back then. Star trek girls were hot hot hot.
  13. Dude the guy appealed his appeal. Stop there. Like promo said, if the nfl cant suspend on this basis, they have no authority. Kinda like that young assistant manager at a fast food joint telling people what to do. No one listens. And why should they?
  14. JC, what planet are you living on? Harvin is league wide considered a good player. He at least has a record of being good to great when healthy. Goodwin is unknown to everyone else. Has not proven jack either. Do you cry when you see sunsets?
  15. Pretty much. Studid guy. He should have just hired expensive over the legal age prostitutes. Obviously the guy is loaded. I hate this guy.
  16. Ding ding ding. It's not like he's being tortured. Miss 4 games for even the possibility of involvement is not even that unjust. There is more unfairness in this world.
  17. That's how it starts dude. Have you ever heard of Terminator movies.
  18. I was 18 and had sex with a minor. She was 17 1/2 That sounds horible to even type. I should erase it.
  19. I personally dont even like young LEGAL girls. 18-25. I prefer 25-45 Messing with little kids is unthinkable. Somone will probably kill this stupid guy.
  20. dude that's the best part. doing the work. i guess you kinda have to like it too... I dont mind taking out the ol drill and doing a job right. acutally, that is a great argument. just pay cuz you want it the easy way. nothing really wrong with that either.
  21. How about be a man argument?
  22. A good mechanice is hard to find. I have one too. But he's so damn busy. He doesnt even respond to my calls till like days later. By that time, I used another mechanic or I fixed it myself. In all honesty, Im an office guy, but I still get down and dirty with cars and house maintencance. All men need to do some repairs. Oil change is basically loosen a plug. Let oil drain out. Change oil filter. (They even have oil filter wrenches to make it easier) It's not even really expensive to get starter tools. I wanted a new basic toolbox and drill. Last month (walmart/amazon mini black friday special), I bought a black and decker drill set. Has a bunch of sockets for car/home use. It has everything. $54 including shipping. Drill/bits/wrench/ruler/tape/level/sockets A jack is $40 bucks too. Like another poster mentioned too. Youtube helps big time. That's because if you go to Jiffy Lube to get the $20 special, they are putting the cheapest possible oil they have. If you do it yourself, you'll spend that much, BUT AT LEAST YOU WILL PUT IN THE GOOD STUFF. Honestly I rarely have car problems. I think it has to be because I do regular maintenance and I use better than normal parts/oil/ etc.
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