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Clippers of Nfl

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Everything posted by Clippers of Nfl

  1. He had to apologize for being drunk, telling an obscene joke, and saying that the other schools suck? He should be getting the nobel prize.
  2. He was incredible. And he was old. Now he's dead. I never met him. Just heard his legendary death. That's how I would like to go. However, I dont think it would be a pleasant experience for the wife.
  3. Very interesting thoughts. No I cant shoot you. I agree with you. Well said EIL
  4. Have fun guys. Dont do anything I would do.
  5. I could understand that. No way in hell I would go to costco just to save 5 cents or even 10 cents. Out here in cali it's almost a 50 cent difference.
  6. Why is it: Da-MOYNE (Des Moines), Iowa... BUT it is DES-PLANES (Des Plaines), Illinois. That is just plain stupid. Stupid language.
  7. I will be putting gas Thursday. Im at 75% right now. I could wait till next week. I usually fill up at the half way mark. Hopefully it will be under 3 at costco in 2 days. I do not understand why people in la dont ALWAYS go to costco. I put $3.05 on monday. Outside there is a chevron (if im not mistaken), and it's 3.70. But people are putting gas there. Why??? Then they cry that they're broke....
  8. The guys home is a cottage. Rich get special treatment.
  9. If you were drunk, then yes.
  10. Ok. I'll turn it down to 95%
  11. Wow wow wow. That's awesome.
  12. They will have hearing aids in the future. Right now I want to listen to music as loud as possible without blood dripping from my ears.
  13. Nope. Golf is meant to drink and joke around with your buddies. And wear stupid clothing. That's it.
  14. My bad ass sony cell phone turns the volume down automatically for me when im listening to music in my car, loud as hell. HELLO, SONY, I DONT CARE IF I GO DEAF. i dont want to have to select "ok" to the warning, then put the volume back up again about once a week. (glad it doesnt happen everyday) LET ME BE DEAF DAMMIT. I DONT CARE I DONT CARE.
  15. He tried to stop a plane? Shouldnt it be the other way around?
  16. What the hell is ugly freaky Obama doing in water?
  17. Golf is only fun to drink with your buddies. Not to watch as a sport.
  18. My great great grandfather died having sex.
  19. True. I'll deal with that in 35 years. Im 36 right now. I prefer low gas price.
  20. That's why I moved to Cali
  21. Never seen True Detective. Guess Im a false detective.
  22. The show with the big ass vampire tongue.
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