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Clippers of Nfl

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Everything posted by Clippers of Nfl

  1. She's actually pretty good looking.
  2. He said he doesnt want sex only.
  3. You stand a better chance vs a machete or a crobar vs a freaking gun. Just saying
  4. I would be pissed off at my mother if I was the 17 year old hero. Like, probably wouldnt even talk to my mom anymore. Ever.
  5. Youre too sensitive. But its ok to be that way. It's actually a 1st world problem.
  6. That is the problem right there.
  7. I will refrain my true sentiment towards guns and gun owners. In the meantime, sucks for the victims and their families.
  8. That's only because both of you are sensitive vaginas. That's the only reason. .Jk of course. By the way I was not trying to be humurous. It was just a word, psycho. Not a big deal.
  9. I hate guns. Perfectly fine if all guns melted.
  10. Cuz I called you psyco... Cmon man????????????????????????????? When is everyone going to be more like Chef Jim. Example: I can say Chef, you stink. He'll probably reply with a "so what" or a "fu" or "yo momma stinks like a smelly vagina" All answers being acceptable. Gosh gosh gosh.
  11. That sucks man. I had the ride of my life Monday night.
  12. YOU. A little light. All electronics have little lights.
  13. Screw that Rob. I dont agree with that. Sex problems can be fixed. 100% of the time.
  14. I was only kidding about Taylor. She has ok pop, but Im not really a true fan. Jimmy dick, country boy is freaking whack!!!!!!
  15. This is not a first world problem you PSYCHO!
  16. I agree. Cheaters are aholes! I cant really blame the site though.
  17. First world problem To have a first world problem thread.
  18. Poor guy. Who do you shoot in this case? Yourself, the wife, the lover? Also, could it be Matthews fault too?
  19. That's my republic.
  20. That's a crazy statement. Not everyone cheats. But it's like getting over the hump (no pun intended). Once you do it, you could stop. I have zero zero zero intentions of cheating again. Like ever. Like not in a million years. I was young and immature. Not a good excuse, but that's all I have.
  21. Glad this site was not around during my dark times.
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