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Everything posted by BillsBruce

  1. Yup. You and your superfluous apostrophes can go root for the Jets, or better yet, the softballed Pats. I choose to Billieve that as a Buffalo Bill, Mr. Incognito can be bad a** without being an a**hole. I trust he has learned and can change. Now it's time for a Unicorn ride!!!
  2. And yet that play, combined with the offsides penalty, put $275 in my pocket. 4 and 8, baby yeah!
  3. Thanks for sharing this link, Augie. Fascinating and thought provoking. There's another growing group with difficulty establishing and maintaining connections - persons on the autism spectrum. Coincidence or similar effects of modern life? Unfortunate. Tragic with the wrong help or none.
  4. Ditto, ditto and ditto. Add to the above that I love watching what Marshawn can do when he gets the ball. This is an antidilemma.
  5. Two Dave Smith's what?
  6. Everyone in this sub lair who's not a frickin' idiot take once step forward. Not so fast, everyone who's in this submarine lair.
  7. Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. As a pass catcher as much as a runner. This opinion has nothing to do with the fact that I have a sweet throwback blue authentic 23 Lynch jersey.
  8. Oh, nasty! I wouldn't touch that with Kirby Jackson's ten-foot pole.
  9. But do you like bacon ON tuna? I get a sub at Wegman's called The Bruce Special (coincidence?). It's tuna, olives, pickles, banana peppers and provolone topped with bacon. You just you-know-whated thinking of it, didn't you? Admit it. Try one...
  10. And he drove there with his helmet on. SLBTM
  11. The Eighth Deadly Sin: the use of superfluous apostrophes. That's gonna cost you a few days in Purgatory.
  12. Ditto here in Corning!
  13. NO ONE, absolutely NO ONE hates superfluous apostrophes more than I do. However, as "Let's" is a contraction of "let us," it is correct to use the apostrophe in that case. Just sayin'... I agree with the OP! We are all in this together, as Bills fans and comrades. Let us (or let's?) never forget that. I think we all need at least 17 Bills games this season. I wasn't terribly satisfied with the way our last 17th ended!!! (Worst, nastiest, meanest, rottenest drunk I've ever had after that game.)
  14. ESPN is the Jerry Springer of sports news and talk. The network and its heads feed on scandal, controversy and negativity. I've taken to calling it MeSPN, as the network, and again, its good looking, clever, erudite and WAY hipper than thou talking heads seem to create as much news as they report.
  15. +2 And 40 was pretty hot at 25 (in a MILFy sorta way). Dangit, why didn't I copyright that term 27 years ago?!?! I could buy the Bills!
  16. Or if your real hungry, your going to of pizza's for dinner.
  17. Got an AOL disc with 1099 free hours, 'cept ya gotta use 'em in the first week.
  18. Brilliant idea. Thanks!
  19. I got three words for you: Car well Gardner.
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