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Everything posted by BearNorth

  1. Are there any free agent Kickers who don't miss this many EPts?
  2. Coaches and players get fired when they suck, hopefully refs do as well.
  3. Sad to hear this, I'm an original 1960 era Bills fan, Marty played for the Bills 1965-1968. Had a reputation as a ferocious tackler, was the fourth linebacker on a great 1965 Bills team/defense that I always wished had gotten a shot at the Pack, who had trouble scoring against a mediocre Cleveland Defense in the NFL Championship. Two teams were very evenly matched, and both had great depth. Wonder if his hard hitting in any way led to this latest challenge. In that 1965 Championship Game, the Bills, east coast team traveling to the Left Coast, hung a donut on the top seeded Chargers.
  4. I see Randy Moss is kicking field goals in street shoes, and says he is in football shape...Get er done Dougie...
  5. Three December games in OP, What a novel idea to shut down the run...
  6. Home Run Throwback, I was there, in a box, my son & I were the only bills fans in the entire stadium. Thrill of victory, agony of defeat. Worst memory in my life.
  7. Cookie Gilchrist rushing for the [at the time] pro football rushing single game record in a mosh pit vs. the dog a*s Jets on 12/8/1963. 5 touchdowns, it was like sandlot football, he'd hit defenders and they would bounce off. Bills win 45-14. Worst Memory, losing to the pats in the playoffs that same year. Big snowstorm christmas week. Bleacher seats were created by pushing a garbage can into the snow pile, so you had a very "chill" seating area. Bills learned from that loss and went on to win two straight AFL championships.
  8. The passing game was a lot more physical, very few players got a free release like they do today. Butch Byrd was a 210 pound cornerback, don't see that size on the corner very often these days. Lamonica had a career record as a starter of 66-16-6 [.784], but a completion % below 50, and a QBR of 72.9.
  9. Butch Byrd is the only Bill defender on the pro football reference all 60's team 3x first team all pro. Billy Shaw is in the HOF deservedly, And Ron McDole was also on that team.
  10. I think it was a quagmire or mudhole back in those days. But you get the picture. The other thing that was amazing was that Lamonica [who was the QB that day, Kemp was hurt] was also the PUNTER, and kicked for a 46 yard average. Cookie had 5TD's that day.
  11. Original Bills Fan, I was 11 when the team was born. Used to remember going to Saturday night games on a school bus at the Rock Pile, School kids got in for a buck. Proud to have been there when Cookie set the pro football rushing record in a "mosh pit" in 1963. Field was a quagmire, and he would hit the line and carry defenders 5 yards until they brought him down by gang tackling.
  12. Stratton wasn't even the best defensive player on the Bills, they had guys named Sestak, McDole, and Dunaway that made it possible for Stratton to operate the way he did. Sestak is the second best defensive player in Bills history after Bruce, Injuries have kept him out of the HOF.
  13. His sixty time is 6.67, same as goodwin, who no one says is slow off the line. 6.67 would have been 5th in this year's indoor nationals.
  14. 6th round #199. And the Bills helped by taking on Bledsoe's salary.
  15. And if the ball gets to Kolby in stride, I doubt he will be caught from behind like Sammy was last year on the 84 yarder. Could this mean Woods goes to the slot, where I think he would be very effective?
  16. At least from all-athletics, Listenbee is faster than Goodwin. Same 60 m indoor time 6.67, Listenbee has run a 10.03 wind aided 100 + a 20.6 200. Goodwin's best times are 100 m 10.24 wa, 200 21.24 wa. In college the rub was he had to wait for the ball, not sure that will be the case with TT. Sounds like he's very fast when he gets to top speed, his 60 to 100 time is close to Justin Gatlin, currently world #1.
  17. In 2014 he was rated the second fastest player in CFB by the NFL. In 2015 he was rated #1. His standing long jump was 129 inches vs. Goodwin at 132, but Listenbee is 200#. Could be an interesting option on ST with that kind of size and speed.
  18. If he thinks Gronk and Martellus Bennett are tough, it appears Megatron is now joining the Pats in search of a ring.
  19. Jim Brown 6-2 Eric Dickerson 6-3 OJ SImpson 6-1 John Riggins 6-2 Karlos WIlliams 6-1
  20. Jaws is from Lackawanna, what do you expect...
  21. Plus no blimp coverage at that location
  22. The arches at AT&T Stadium are 292 feet above the playing field. If LA has a similar design, that's a pretty big object to be in a flight path if a heavily loaded plane were to lose an engine on takeoff.
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