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Everything posted by BearNorth

  1. Listen to him all the time on the NFL channel on Sirius. Very sharp, analytical, and a positive guy who doesn't betray his sources.
  2. Not sure with his issues Glenn can pass a physical anywhere but Buffalo
  3. Imagine the review of the end of the first half from the 1st and goal from the one after the penalty through the Jax FG will be a difficult conversation. Changed the entire complexion of the game. Going into HT 7-0 vs 3-3 in a game like this is a biggie.
  4. Also - first and goal from the 1.5 yard line, butchered that series, then butchered clock management at the end of the half to allow the Jags to Score. 7 point coaching screwup there.
  5. I was there, in a box, with my son, and suffered the "Thrill of Victory, Agony of Defeat". Home Run Throwback aka "the forward lateral".
  6. Bill Russell won 11 NBA titles as a player, in an era when WIlt was playing. He also won two consecutive NCAA titles including 55 games in a row, and an Olympic Gold Medal [as an amateur]. Second all time in rebounds and rebounds per game and arguably the best post defender ever to play the game. He changed the game as the first quick, athletic post player. Also a 6'9" high jumper [when the WR was 7'0"] at at 6-10 could run a sub 50 second quarter mile. Also the first black head coach in a major American Professional Sports League.
  7. BraDor would make for an interesting pregame experience
  8. Tyrod TD before the half was a special play, difference in the game
  9. Beth Mowins was solid, really enjoyed the accuracy of her call.
  10. If Tre white not DROY, no justice.
  11. Grand Island has lotsa open land, the bridge tolls on game days could be dedicated to stadium bonds, easy access to Canadian Fans, and not nearly the snow belt that the OP is.
  12. I think the correct punishment would be that if a player is intentionally injured by an illegal hit, then the player committing the illegal act is suspended until the injured player is able to return, although in the Gronk/Tre situation, either an ejection or an automatic 1 week suspension is also a fair punishment.
  13. this team signed Jason peters as an UDFA, and shipped him out, also drafted Levitre and he played in a superbowl last year.
  14. Dome Team, Brees has played most of his career indoors or in AFC West, record in 32 degree games is 2-6. Just hope we get a pass rush, but worried about Lorax matched up with Kamara if that happens.
  15. If this is true why aren't we running the same sets with Shady? He's an even tougher matchup out of the backfield.
  16. Luck is a 500 QB in Cold Weather games during his career, playing in his division, and the schedule, lotsa dome and warm weather games.
  17. Luck is a West Coast Dome Guy. Can he beat NE and Miami in Buffalo in the November December winds of Buffalo?
  18. I was at the Raiders Game, the Bills used a lot of emotional energy in that game. Short week, and an opponent whose season went into the dumpster if they lost. Hopefully longer week and getting significant talent back from Injury, NO is a dome team, and weather looks kinda sucky for Sunday. Breese is an indoor, warm weather QB, hoping for a sleet storm and Lorax attack.
  19. In terms of on and off the field, Jack Kemp has my vote for greatest Bill of all time, Tough Guy, never afraid on the QB sneak to score which is a lost art these days. His knee injury in preseason also made OJ possible. Only Bill QB to end his season with a W in TWO championship games. Distinguished record of public service after football.
  20. Benjamin is 6'5 245. Think this gives us a lot of options when we go 4 and 5 wide. Benjamin 6-5, Logan Thomas 6-6, Andre Holmes 6-4, Matthews 6-3, O'leary 6-3, Zay 6-2. Suspect a few pick plays going in the playbook.
  21. Cookie Gilchrist - The guy who just went up on the wall was an amazing athlete. 6'3" 250 pounds, fast, mean, best blocking running back ever to play the game, at one time also handled PAT's and FG's. He was outspoken, and proud, and that was a problem for some people at the time. He ran for 243 yards, the pro football record at the time, on a field so bad they would have cancelled the game in the modern era. Probably would have been an all-pro if he had played defense as well.
  22. I was there with my son, our 6th Bills game over 27 years. Feel just the way that Shaw does. Cookie going on the wall made the day even more special, Cookie, Shaw, Sestak [all-time great if he had been able to play longer], Kemp, Golden Wheels, Stratton were my childhood heroes and I was fortunate to be in the stands at the Rockpile for Cookie's 5TD Pro Football Rushing record game against the Jets, [which helped the Jets get Namath]. Special feeling in the OP Yesterday, First Half Weather not pretty, but I sat in bleachers in the Rockpile for the '62 playoff loss to the Patsie, where your seat was the impression of a garbage can in the snow pile on the wooden bleachers.
  23. I wuz in Nashville in 1999. That team could have won the SB, the defense was that good. Home Run Throwback aka "Music City Miracle".
  24. Thx, special Day to see Cookie go on the wall.
  25. 5 TD's is still the record for Rushing TD's in a game. Shared with Jim Brown, Ricky Watters, James Stewart, Clinton Portis
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