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Everything posted by BearNorth

  1. With Duke's size, 6-3 230, is he a replacement for DiMarco? and becomes a swiss army knife type player, e.g. H-back, third TE, goal line specialist, He has linebacker size if he can play teams, he's a real interesting player.
  2. I like Duke Williams over keeping DiMarco, almost as big a body with much more upside. With this roster, would be surprised if we can't find someone with enough bulk and quickness to handle the Kyle Williams role in heavy goal line situations.
  3. Excellent Punter and also solid linebacker for the Bills in their AFL title years. Funny Guy, spoke at my HS athletic banquet. Back when football players played football: He was involved in one of the most spectacular plays in Bills' history in the 1965 American Football League Championship game against the Chargers. Butch Byrd took a John Hadl punt and with outstanding blocking, took it 74 yards for a touchdown. The last two blocks were by Maguire, crushing two Chargers.
  4. Just saw this re: one of our newer players and the Wonderlic RB - Frank Gore: 6 Wonderlic score Did Frank Gore’s wonderlic test play a role in his draft stock? The San Francisco 49ers took the Pro Bowl running back with the 65th overall pick in the third round of the 2005 draft. Gore has rushed for 14,026 yards and 77 touchdowns so far in his career.
  5. Denver took a "washed up" rag arm named Peyton, and that worked out pretty well for them.
  6. Spoke at my HS Sports Banquet, players those days weren't paid a lot and every $100 speaking fee put food on the table...
  7. I think NY taxes your entire income if you reside in the state for 183 or more days during the year, regardless of where it is earned, with a credit for taxes paid to another state. I think that's one reason why the players union has really cut back on the days of OTA's/Minicamp etc. Also [wishful] thinking, a deep run into the playoffs could click a player over the 183 days. Top Tax Rates California 13.3% [Rams, Chargers, 49'rs, Raiders] Minnesota 9.85% [Vikings] New Jersey 8.97% [Giants, Jets] New York 8.82% [Bills] Wisconsin 7.65% [Packers] Raider players will see a huge gain when they move to Vegas, which has no income tax.
  8. I was in a skybox at Adelphia that day, sure looked forward to me. I was at about the Titan's 20 yard line...
  9. My best memory was Cookie Gilchrist breaking Jim Brown's pro football single game rushing record against the Jets 36 carries, 243 yards, 5 TD's Bills won 45-14 on a field in the rockpile that today would have been considered unplayable.
  10. Original Bills fan here, Dubenion made Jack Kemp a championship QB. Stretched the field so that all the dink and dunk was available, also meant they couldn't stack the box to stop Cookie. Also Billy Shaw was a beast.
  11. Replay shows Allen getting hit before the ball gets there, but no PI call.
  12. People forget the no punt game Bills 49ers in 1992, and the Bills had a top defense, think the score was 34-31 and no defensive TD's.
  13. Thank You, I am an original Bills Fan [I was 11 when the current Bills were founded], and a veteran, really pleased to see this.
  14. Is Kaepernick an option?
  15. Throwback to the 1940's and 1950's where they used to have the automat cafe. This is the same with updated tech and higher prices.
  16. Although he looked weird, Markbreit always seemed to get the call right, regardless of where he was reffing.
  17. Have always thought Wade > Greggo as a defensive mind, and firing Wade to bring in Greggo one of Ralph's biggest mistakes.
  18. I was lucky enough to see Cookie set the pro football record for Rushing and score 5TD's in a quagmire [aka mosh pit] at the Rockpile. I also sat through the debacle of the '63 playoff loss to the patriots in a bleacher seat that was formed by pressing a garbage can into the foot of snow that had fallen. My HS got to play there in the baseball playoffs in 1965. Toss up as to whether the Rockpile or the LA Coliseum was the worst baseball stadium of all time. Right field was about 265 with a very high screen.
  19. Remember Joe Paterno wanted Jim Kelly to come to Penn State [His dream school] as a linebacker. Even the experts aren't right at times.
  20. I live close to the border When you do all the conversions, gas is $3.75 per US Gallon vs. NY $2.95 per US Gallon. You get lifetime medical care, and college that is much cheaper than the US. ?
  21. For me has to be Home Run Throwback. Yup, I wuz there. Talk about the Thrill of Victory, Agony of Defeat in a few moments, and the hosing the Bills got from the Refs.
  22. 32 teams 3 in the top 100, why Hyde > Poyer I'm not sure? Don't see Cordy Glenn, Sammy Watkins or Marcel Dareus on this list.
  23. Aaron Rodgers got three years as a 2. 312 TD's later he's probably a first ballot HOF'r.
  24. Billy Shaw and Jack Kemp were the equal of Bart Starr and Jerry Kramer. First and Goal on the 1, and Kemp was nearly automatic behind Shaw.
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