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    Halifax, Canada

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  1. http://www.clanram.com/forums/f85/vaughn-m...963/#post286227 http://thebrownsboard.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3865
  2. In case anyone needed a reminder (including bellycheck): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3POT8n2Qk3g
  3. Haven't posted for a while but felt the need to weigh in. Being a Canadian Bills fan I've been watching these developments with some interest. Here's my opinion: Toronto sports fans are FICKLE (yes caps). They got on board for the Jays (who I still cheer for although perhaps in vain) as long as they were winning. After the world series wins the fans have been tepid towards the team. If the Yankees or Red Sox are in town they get good crowds. Some might argue that a significant portion of the crowd are Sox and Yanks fans - which seems to be the case based on the cheers - but at least they have bums in seats. If Toronto teams are not contenders the fans stay away... Unless the team in question is the Toronto Maple Leafs. Good god. That team has sucked for what seems like an eternity. That franchise is a license to print money and dominates the press, minds and hearts of Torontonians. I don't think people should be concerned about the Bills moving to Toronto as long as business minds are involved in the decision making process. If governments start chipping in then god help us all. Toronto isn't the the future home of the Bills. Buffalo is. Torontonians do not have the stick-to-it-ive-ness for anything other than hockey. Just my opinion.. Flame away!
  4. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=49er...t&type=lgns
  5. From the point of view of someone who is lucky to see a Bills game on TV from time to time (no shortage of Patsies games on here) I cannot express this any more clearly: If you are a Bills fan and can go to the games/be a season ticket holder you are truly fortunate. I travel to Europe a lot during football season and it's even worse. Try getting game updates on a dialup connection in Bad Nowherestadt, Germany. I've been a fan of this team when things really sucked (anyone remember 84-85?). I still managed to get to a few games and was delighted. I live too far away to go to games now, but still hold out hope to go back again some day. I'm on this bus and wouldn't get off even if I could. Go to the games if you can.
  6. I've always thought that the "expert analysts" on TV during sports drafts were more hung up on ratings and hearing their own sound bytes than realistic analysis of team needs and potential of those drafted. In case anyone watched the NBA draft last year, the Raptors got blasted for their draft. In particular, "reaching" for Charlie Villanueva at # 9. One season later he's ranked as one of the top 2 rookies and is being compared to Kevin Garnett. The Bills are rebuilding. Nobody they drafted at #8 would have turned the tide this year, let alone any other position in the draft. There's no evidence to suggest that the young men drafted this weekend will succeed or be busts. I trust the team leadership to judge the potential of those drafted to contribute down the road. I'm happy to watch and cheer as long as I think the team has good intent. I've cheered when the Bills sucked, I've cheered when they won. I hope Marv puts it all together and makes it work at some point. Meanwhile, he's earned my respect and trust. I think he knows football.
  7. Fortunately the plane didn't miss the runway wide right.. D'oh!
  8. Ever hear of Terry Fox? One leg. Averaged 26 miles per day for 143 days. How timely, the Terry Fox Memorial run is tomorrow! http://www.fourseasonsatl.com/WhowasTerry.htm
  9. Hi, Just in case anyone thinks a union will save their bacon, 300 union jobs just got toasted in my hometown because the contract was about to be renewed and the union was making noises they would strike. One month before the union contract expired the parent company closed the mill. Bye bye. Mind you they probably had their share of extra lives being in the manufacturing industry in North America. Tough to justify paying someone 30 bucks an hour when someone in Asia will do the same job for 30 bucks a month. Having said that, any qualified lab techs out there? If you are (or are interested to become one) you can write your ticket for the next 20 years or so..
  10. I can tell you that I (we) here in Halifax had the crap scared out of us when a category 2 hit us directly two years ago. I figured things would be OK and didn't prepare. The storm (Juan) paralyzed the city. Fortunately not many were killed but we were totally unprepared. We had plenty of warning but I think we assumed we could outlast mother nature. We don't get hit anywhere as hard as some other southern areas, but we are at sea level. This isn't movieland anymore.. It's real. Get the fug out when they tell you to. If you don't think you'll be able to if something goes sideways in the future, then make plans accordingly.
  11. Whatever turns your crank!
  12. Now you're pushing my buttons! Careful or I'll passive-aggressive you into submission!
  13. Little known fact. During WWI, Halifax Canada (where I live) was the scene of the largest ever man-made (non nuclear) explosion. Back then this was huge, particularly given the infrastructure in 1917. Our US friends (particularly Boston) came to our aid. This has not been forgotten almost 100 years later. Point being, friends help friends. Someone else can sort out the blame. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halifax_Explosion
  14. OK.. All jokes about the Canadian military aside, we're keen to help if needed: http://news.yahoo.com/s/cpress/20050901/ca...katrina_cda_aid Actually, the water purification system referenced is really something. After the tsunami it was set up in Sri Lanka: http://www.terradaily.com/2005/050204015405.2avtt95n.html If GW says he wants our help he'll get it!
  15. The silent ones are deadliest..
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