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Everything posted by transient

  1. Jenoris "Are you calling me on the cellular phone? I don't know you. Who is this? Don't come here, I'm hanging up the phone! Prank caller, prank caller!" Jenkins
  2. Tom "whiny ##### mangina-having ####### ############# prolonged son-kissin' #### ####### crybaby ############ ###clown" Brady
  3. Obviously I hope Allen succeeds. Regardless, here’s a reminder of how little things like this mean in the big picture:
  4. It's a chopper, baby. ...It's Zed's. ...Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead.
  5. ...except that most reports are that it was “at the home of,” and even in the house. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/new-york-giants-janoris-jenkins-house-body-found-today-2018-06-26/
  6. I was trippin balls when I prank conferenced Buddy Nix and Mark Dominik.
  7. What I took from that is Kimberly Martin was the biggest loss.
  8. I'm hoping Allen wins the QB competition outright, starts all 19, and has the kind of rookie year with Shady that Pumpkinhead Rapethlisberger had with "the Bus."
  9. Nice to see you’re back with another high quality piece of work to validate your confirmation bias. Just to make sure I have this straight, an article published two head coaches, one general manager, and one analytics guy ago is representative of the current staff because of this gem: “I met with the then head of Bills analytics a few years ago,” says Buffalo Rumblings editor Dan Lavoie. “The team was much more interested in how data could drive fan interaction than game decision-making. Of course, we’ve moved two head coaches and a GM since then, but I’d be surprised if something changed.” ...and because of an article rambling on about the snow game without offering anything aside from the author’s opinion to back it up. Sound reasoning.
  10. What did you go through all of that trouble for? Didn't you read the article? Analytics is just the word that you use to justify the hand waving that precedes saying stuff.
  11. That's what constitutes a great article? The subjective ramblings of Rich Kowalski on analytics were a bit ironic, at best. That article is poo masquerading as words.
  12. Their throwbacks always make me reminisce about the '85 Bears trying to rip Steve Grogan's head off his giraffe neck in SB XX. Ahhh... memories. How hard did you look? There's actually a thread started on Sunday about bringing back TO... at least this one's mildly amusing.
  13. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not disputing she’s a grandmother, or casting any judgement on the fact she’s a young grandmother. I’m suggesting that the frail, old, cane-toting connotation that “granny” might conjure up may not paint an accurate picture of a 46 year old bare-handed bobcat killing, hard lovin’, self-admitted “not little” woman. Put a different way, she just strangled a rabid bobcat. Are you gonna call her granny to her face? ?
  14. http://www.foxnews.com/science/2018/06/15/georgia-woman-strangles-kills-rabid-bobcat-after-it-attacks-her-it-came-for-my-face.html Click it. ...CLICK IT! ...You know you want to!
  15. Granny is a tad bit misleading; she’s 46. Regardless, worth the read for these two lines alone: “She loves hard and is one heck of a woman!” on the gofundme page set up for her medical expenses. and “Thank God I am not a little woman...”
  16. Who cares about the apple. The real question is can she suck a golf ball through a garden hose?
  17. Brady Quinn must be ecstatic to know that someone somewhere might actually GAF about anything he has to say.
  18. Interesting dream... I have to ask, is she in the car with you? If so, is she visible to the casual observer? Assuming no, when you’re speeding around the curve are you yelling “Watch the teeth! I said WATCH THE TEETH!!”
  19. Never, ever, ever go behind the bar and scoop ice out of the ice well with a glass. When it breaks your bartender will have to shut down service to clear the well and make sure every last little shard of glass is gone so one doesn’t accidentally get served in a drink, or service will continue out of an ice bucket and the well will have to be cleaned after hours. Either way, your bartender will hate you for a long time (I was on the tending side, not the breaking side).
  20. TIL it only costs an extra half mil to actually get a performance worth watching from Halle Berry (Monsters Ball, aside).
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