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Everything posted by transient

  1. Given the shirtless, headbanded Richard Simmons-esque look, maybe the doors aren't the only things in that photo that swing in an unexpected direction.
  2. I see you're a disciple of the Wrex Ryan coaching philosophy.
  3. Maybe he can catch on with Snickers and they can show the clip of Johnny Jam-Boogey Manzeil'ing in the Bills' endzone on his back, hand him a Snickers, and watch him turn into Baker Mayfield.
  4. This looks like a trailer for an alternate universe amalgam of The Hangover and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
  5. I don’t think you can apply. Pretty sure village idiot positions are filled by appointment.
  6. Someone had to have switched Cris Carter's Josh Allen game film with a rerun of Home Improvement with Tim Allen playing catch resulting in an "I'm Ron Burgundy???" moment. Dude. Is. A. Brick.
  7. Experience and decision making? Do you really think McCarron’s 4 starts and Peterman’s 2 really give them an insurmountable edge in experience and decision making? Unless the OL is so bad that they’re worried about breaking him, if Allen gets the 1st team reps against the Bengals and continues to be the most dynamic of the 3 QBs he should start.
  8. While it’s premature, I think Peterman’s ceiling is Fitzpatrick. Not enough arm talent to execute what he sees on the field and careless with the ball in the clutch. We’ll see if he has the same knack for lucking into situations that allow him to bounce around the league as a fringe starter.
  9. What has two thumbs and a face like a smarmy douche... This guy!
  10. Not a fair comparison. It's much harder to look into Allen's eyes because they're not as slow as EJ's.
  11. I think it's more likely that he ends up having to fly coach to see an NFL game.
  12. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2790812 Broncos Fans Start Crowdfunding Page so Team Can Cut Paxton Lynch ROB GOLDBERGAUGUST 13, 2018
  13. What if monkeys fly out of my butt and he catches it for a touchdown?
  14. Don't worry. A shot of penicillin and a little heart to heart about safe sex and you'll be good as new.
  15. I thought they hated playing with him because they got teased about having a sissy teammate named Gale...
  16. Love the fact he can barely contain his grin when he starts talking about Allen’s arm.
  17. I believe the comparison was actually a more athletic and less rapey Ben Roethlisburger.
  18. I have several good friends who are Browns fans. When I asked if this trade was something that I should be excited about, this is what one of them sent me: They seemed to be more concerned with the lack of depth behind Jarvis given Norman's uncertain availability... and now two days after the trade they find out Calloway has a similarly uncertain availability. They were bemoaning the blown pick more than they were the departure of the player.
  19. The endless loop is a little disturbing. Kinda gives a Daisy Ridley Scott about to birth an alien vibe...
  20. Add "Da" in front of it and claim you're a fan of the Michael Jackson impersonating wrestler. https://www.wwe.com/section/cruiserweight-classic-competitors/article/da-mack
  21. I’m not reading through this whole thread. Has Beane announced the 2018 all-male dance troupe version of the Jills yet?
  22. Thank the tiny little infant baby Jesus. I mean... of course the thread title isn’t a euphemism for punching the clown somewhere in the stadium on game day. What’s that? ...Uhhhh, why would I come to post in the thread under such pretenses? ...errrr, no reason. ?
  23. ... and Shady’s in charge of the invites ...with a special guest appearance by Russ Brandon.
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