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Everything posted by transient

  1. Did AJ realize he was supposed to give that back, or that athletic tape with his name on it doesn't count as "autographed"?
  2. Oh, wait... NOW I understand the comparison. Yeah... yeah... I can see the resemblance.
  3. Uhhh... might wanna check your geography.
  4. Didn’t another HOF’er play at Pitt? That’s IT! Maybe he’s more like Alex Van Pelt.
  5. Maybe... do pick 6s count as TDs? If not, I’m out.
  6. Do you consider unwatchable, pick-filled offensive football a downside? Asking for a friend...
  7. Maybe so, but only one of the Petermen can be under center at a time, and in the singular Peterman’s arm is cause for concern.
  8. It was like the ghost of Doug Whaley without the wasted extra 1st rounder, or was it two wasted 1sts, I always get that confused...
  9. How did he hear?!?! I traded my PB&J with the crust cut off for a pack of Lunchables!
  10. Pats Fan Syndrome is a misnomer. Its true medical terminology is “Frontrunner Syndrome,” it just so happens that it’s highest incidence is in New England, though not limited to football.
  11. Wrong Haaaavaaad guy. Fitz only scored a 48. What a dummy. https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.herosports.com/amp/nfl/best-wonderlic-scores-pat-mcinally-mike-mamula-ryan-fitzpatrick-greg-mcelroy-aiai
  12. A season of promise... namely, we promise not to trade for the Bears broadcast crew.
  13. They could call it the John McKay approach... could add a new, albeit short-lived, element of excitement to the league.
  14. What part of believing he is a government intelligence agent, throwing weights at a person, or threatening to cut his dead father’s head off in the course of the last 3 months makes you think an NFL locker room is the right place for Richie right now?
  15. Hmmm, statements I regret the most. Definitely gotta be, “20 bucks says you won’t try this Shroom Tech stuff...”
  16. Ravens are lucky his drunk ass didn’t sleep on their couch.
  17. Hard to believe I could improve on perfection, but here it is...
  18. So taking expectations from top 10 or top 5 and contrarianizing from under the bridge (or is it from the back of the boat, I'm always at a loss on that one) to a rebuilding year defense with no expectations is a realistic take? Yeezus H...
  19. Allison Stokke... when I was... competing... in the... ~pole vault~?
  20. So Bill took Jill to the curb and you want to know how it affects his defense? I guess that depends on his lawyer...
  21. Soooo... are you suggesting that instead of installing intricate WR route trees he's teaching them how to tackle?
  22. We've all seen your posts... Did you really mean to cast such a narrow net of limitations?
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