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Everything posted by transient

  1. Wasn’t Tuel a Bryce somethin’ or other fumble through the end zone for a touchback away from winning against KC? I’d’ve taken that today in hindsight.
  2. Good thing Philadelphia didn’t throw a raw prospect who didn’t go to a major program to the wolves. One could only imagine how badly that could have turned out.
  3. No argument from me. I thought, based on the previous posts, you may have meant Keenum as the comparison, in that Allen has nothing to learn/gain by standing on the sidelines and watching how to not be an NFL QB, therefore not really comparable to the Keenum/Goff situation.
  4. I don’t think poor play would ruin his confidence, I think poor coaching and lack of support would. If he has the talent let him take his lumps this season. He’s more mobile than Peterman and the threat of his arm should open up the running game somewhat. Spell him with Peterman for a series or two if you have to in order to let him collect his thoughts and to coach him up in game if he’s having a rough stretch, but the season would be completely wasted by continuing to start Peterman... and I personally don’t want to see him start another game for the Bills ever again.
  5. Was that Rico that I just heard yell “Right?!?!” from the unemployment line?
  6. Possible trend? Me thinks thou doest equivocate too much.
  7. What the... Well... maybe... nope, didn’t make any more sense than the first time you posted it.
  8. He has to be watching Alabama and thinking to himself “I wish I had that kind of talent to work with.”
  9. Bills 2018; tune in to the second half when it’s out of reach and watch the stars of tomorrow.
  10. Probably end up with the Eagles, or one of the other birdies like the Falcons or Seahawks.
  11. This was Philadelphia. The noise was probably just muffled in between plays as the fans searched the stadium for items that they could throw at the Falcons.
  12. If he's active on game day I'll take the over. If he's inactive... hmmm... that's a tough one... I think I'll still take the over.
  13. I always prefer to invoke Jim Kelley. Felser could be critical, but Kelley could be merciless. Regardless, he was always reasoned and objective, and he was a compelling writer... and he was usually right on with his criticism.
  14. I quit reading Sullivan in the late 90s or early 2000s, with the exception of starting a few accidentally when I didn’t pay close enough attention to the by-line online. Your post captures what I also felt, that I had wasted my time. Even without the by-line, you can tell a Sullivan piece 1-2 paragraphs in due to the formula: -Damn with faint praise to set up your column -Make your argument through hyperbole and flawed logic while negating the previous faint praise -Use name calling and arguments more commonly seen on a middle school playground to define anyone associated with the situation -Insult anyone with a different opinion while explaining why you are the smartest guy in the room I think there are very few actual Pollyanna Bills fans who will support everything that’s happened since the team’s inception, which is the common Sullivan apologist’s take on why people don’t like him. I just think his schtick has been old and tired for 2+ decades and it finally caught up to him.
  15. Only around small children... and nuns... and at the elderly... and at kittens... and at my mother... and to add emphasis during the responsorials psalms during Sunday mass... I’m just kidding, I don’t actually go to church anymore... you know, since I was excommunicated for swearing at the nuns and loudly littering the responsorial psalms with f-bombs.
  16. Granted, you started the thread, but are ya feeling a little lonely here? If your posts were a little more formulaic and focused more on talking down to those that didn’t share your opinion I’d swear you were Sullenman himself, especially with how much time you’ve spent shilling for him. I’ll spare you the repetition and assure that I haven’t, nor will I, watch the interview... or read his blog... or figure out in this day and age how to even tune in to AM radio anymore. I find it ironic, assuming that your summary is accurate, that Sullivan would refer to fans responding to a survey that his employer sent out as to why they didn’t subscribe to the BN Blitz as “the lowest common denominator” if they answered it was his and Gleason’s presence. Apparently if you don’t agree with his opinion you’re beneath him, and if he doesn’t agree with yours you’re beneath him. Not surprised to hear he’s managed to avoid any semblance of introspection in the face of losing his “dream job” in favor of continuing to “stick it to the man.” Putz.
  17. Seems like these are the Titans audibles from the late 90s.
  18. Short version; They inquired. Raida’s asking for too much, Mack asking for too much.
  19. ...they hand off to Tolbert, whom they signed hours before the game, just to piss me off.
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