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Everything posted by transient

  1. I thought the expression was “You can draw flies with honey, but if you really want to see a swarm trot Nate Peterman out on the field and let him poop his pants again.” Now if only you could catch more footballs with honey... or vinegar... or s***... the Bills could slather whichever worked best on Kelvin Benjamin before the game and at the half and he might actually function like a WR again. The honey might make it easier for the DB to stick to him, though. On the other hand, the s*** might help him get some separation from the DB, cuz, I mean, who’d want to cover Kelvin Benjamin when he’s covered in s***, right? I suspect s*** won’t help him catch balls, though. Everything about him has been s*** this season... his attitude, his effort, his understanding of the offense, and despite so much KB related s*** he can’t catch a cold, so I guess the evidence for covering him in s*** to help him catch balls is probably not there... I’d still like to do it though... you know, just to see... and because he deserves it.
  2. Sounds vaguely familiar... Was the name of this establishment “The Pocket” and had he been standing there flat-footed for >5 seconds?
  3. For a second I thought this was a reference to Rosen’s fleetness of foot in the pocket when under pressure.
  4. ...in the OP’s scenario I envision that I’d wake up because I have to pee just as Hauschka’s game winning FG is about to split the uprights to end SB LIII.
  5. I doubt that the Pegulas have no respect for the fans, however I can see that you have no respect for your third grade English teacher.
  6. You could argue it was a completely bungled evaluation of AJM in the off season that kicked this whole thing off in the first place, compounded by the completely bungled preseason evaluation of NP.
  7. I think we’d be better off with Vince Young This is off the internet, but I saw him at IAH a few months after the Bills cut him and he looked like he could play tackle.
  8. Said it in the Tennessee game; look at how often defenders go after him on the boundaries and get flagged for late hits after he pops up smirking and jawing at them. Josh must be a bit of a talker on the field.
  9. Only if it’s at the nameplate or above.
  10. Hair is considered part of the jersey with respect to tackling, and it’s on the player whether or not he chooses to take the risk.
  11. To get the beer vendors in midseason form by opening day.
  12. On very questionable calls. Refs were trying to do everything in their power to give that matchup to Hopkins. Credit to White for staying aggressive and not letting it get to him.
  13. Are you prone to hyperbole or just blind to situational football? The strength of the team yesterday, and since the second half of the Chargers game, has been the defense. You’re in a tie game with 1:43 left and no timeouts, your defense is playing lights out, your best player on offense is McCoy, your WRs suck, and your second string QB, who doesn’t have a shred of NFL talent, is in the game. What’s the surest bet, put it in the hands of your defense and running game, just like last week, or put it in the hands of someone who doesn’t belong in the NFL?
  14. He didn’t HAVE to work anything. IT WAS A TIE GAME. Play it conservative and lean on the defense like you have all game.
  15. Listen here, Delilah, put down the scissors and back slowly and quietly from Ivory’s bedroom. Ultimately, you’ll get no love from the Philistines.
  16. Not waste >2/3 of the starting QB snaps in preseason on QBs that wouldn’t be starting... or even on the roster by week 7 (fingers crossed).
  17. Why would you want there to be poor blocking for your UPS guy, who then fumbles your package after calling for a fair catch?
  18. Despite his rousing game speech about football glory, I doubt even he’d list a preseason game in which, for 3 quarters, he was the worst player on a field of next week’s practice squad players, CFL players, and former camp fodder as a notable achievement. After 3 seasons and 4 NFL starts he should have been so much better than the soon-to-be former Bears that it was demoralizing to them.
  19. Well we don’t have the luxury of watching Anderson choke away any chance of starting during the preseason so we’ll never get the chance to do a true side by side comparison.
  20. I will be there as well. Apparently Christian’s Tailgate, the Houston Bills Backers bar, is hosting a Bills event Saturday at 5. Got dinner plans in Galveston so won’t make that.
  21. I thought this was a thread to discuss the title... which I find very pleasing; short and to the point. I don't buy the idea that DA would need to get up to speed in order to be more effective than NP... HE HAD A 0.0 QBR FOR THE FIRST HALF OF THE CHARGERS GAME FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD. Once DA passed his physical and signed his contract NP should've been out the door. Someone should start a vicious rumor that NP's an atheist... betcha that'd seal his fate.
  22. Mother #&^*&##@@!!!! If they make this trade I hope they do it after the game this Sunday... it will really suck to have dropped a bunch of cash traveling to Houston to watch a demoralized team rack up less than 100 yds total on offense.
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