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Everything posted by transient

  1. Maybe the Bills have gone through so many punters this season because they're wearing out their legs... did you ever think of that? They needed someone with a fresh leg for the stretch run now that they don't have NP throwing to the other team 3-5 times per game instead.
  2. Better watch out, Wannabe Marky Markfield might cyberstalk you to call you out for picking on him, and then when you try to give him a man hug to make peace he might reject your advances and question your career choices.
  3. On the contrary, seeing you change it to all caps just made my day. The only thing that would have made me laugh harder would have been seeing you change the thread title to simply "Baker DOUCHE Mayfield"... which we all know would have earned you a [Vague Thread Title] award despite the relative specificity of the thread.
  4. I mean, c'mon man. How hard is it to capitalize the "D" and add an "-ouche" instead of an "-oosh"? I gotta agree... if you're gonna use his full name at least spell it right.
  5. Meh. The reporter asked if they spoke, then followed it up with asking why it was so short and he said he didn't feel like talking, then gave an explanation. Was it a jab or honesty? He clarified that there was no animosity, just didn't feel like talking to someone he now views as a rival. People B word because players are too friendly with one another and don't seem to care about the game and they B word because they're not friendly enough to show enough sportsmanship for their liking. To answer your question, though, of course he was a douche yesterday... and the day before that... and the day before that... he's Baker Mayfield.
  6. Shefter’s tweeting that you’re a shoo-in for the Jets job when they finally fire Bowels. You should quit now to ensure you’re available, there... ah... Toolbag City.
  7. NWASOPAYBGTGG - No worries, a shot of penicillin and you’ll be good to go, Gugny.
  8. That’s not how this game is played. You’re supposed to make a comment about it being blunted, or labile, or irritable, etc. You’re not supposed to just point it out. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
  9. Punt catcher and kickoff specialist. Anyone know what Chris Watson and Jordan Gay are up to these days?
  10. Food??? Turds??? You either need to set up an appointment with a nutritionist or a psychiatrist...
  11. Presumptuous. Maybe he lives in the Outback where there are bloomin onions and 32 oz porterhouses but no running water, therefore no toilets. He may still have to pull up TBD using dial up through AOL on his Commodore 64, or by surfing on his flip phone.
  12. Man I want to punch him in the lap band every time crap spews forth from his stupid mouth. Because butt fumble, EJ, Tebow, and Tuh-rod all ascended under your tutelage didn’t they sexy-Wrecksy. His act is as tired as his defensive philosophy.
  13. Don’t worry, once his role on the staff is defined I’m sure he’ll remind people of what it is every chance he gets.
  14. The real question is if NP were to make the rounds at a Bills game would he want to meet you? I’m seeing either filing a restraining order in his future or he may end up with a high heel in his eye. Give it a rest single white female.
  15. Once the deed is done and Peterman is no longer a Bill, if people won't leave the topic alone it will then officially be a dead horse. As it stands right now it is a severely wounded horse in desperate need of shooting.
  16. Between Anderson and Barkley, it's actually the second time in 4 games that it's happened...
  17. So if they don’t drop at least 30 on the bye next week you’re saying you’re off this train?
  18. I sure do like me those French fried potaters, mmmmHHHmmmm.
  19. When the occupational aptitude test back in high school determined I should be a human wrecking ball. As a Bills fan I was already used to banging my head against the wall, so the transition was fairly seamless.
  20. In an effort to one-up Vontae Davis, I say Barkley retires after the coin toss. Then on Monday he will legally change his name to Nathan Peterman and attempt to collect on the GoFundMe windfall.
  21. You sure about that? I recall a 5 pick performance with a line that included Wood and Incognito. Peterman has a rag arm and doesn’t account for it in the way he plays. You’re trying to defend the indefensible.
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