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Everything posted by transient

  1. It's a thread about Julio Jones as part of a hypothetical Bills receiving corps, so unless you think they're going to cut him in the offseason I would counter that Ian MacKenzie deserves to be mentioned in this thread. History. Condemned. Repeat.
  2. Jim Kelly the HOF QB of the Buffalo Bills and Jim Kelly the deceased martial artist/actor are two different people. What does any of this have to do with the Bills WR MacKenzie Phillips?
  3. They’re both Reggies, and neither is Isaac McKittrick.
  4. What’s the TBD record for number of threads started in a day without once expressing a cogent thought?
  5. You don’t know that, his time as Raiders GM may have given him a new appreciation for speed... making him... fast... by... association?
  6. Sounds about right. Two broken legs replaced by a man with no arm.
  7. I was gonna point out that you’re confusing bovine with porcine, but since “pigskins” are actually made of cowhide I’m instead gonna assume you’re just crazy like a fox.
  8. The OPs posts are like a Triumph the Insult Comic Dog segment without a shred of humor... for me to poop on.
  9. That's odd. After reading the thread title someone who looks suspiciously like Nate Peterman just asked me to hold his beer... Are you suggesting that if Clay weighs the same as a duck then he must be made of wood and therefore we should burn him at the stake?
  10. This is it. It’s the big one. I’m coming to join you, Elizabeth.
  11. I feel like this post is the equivalent of a Google translation of Habs coverage after a Sabres-Canadiens game in Montreal.
  12. Blame the profanity filter. I posted the actual word and that was the “autocorrect”. I ain’t no B word.
  13. I’d accept some impartial, objective, non-visually challenged individuals, myself.
  14. You could argue that the poor officiating today just put the final nail in the Bills coffin for the season, so better to call attention to it now than when there is actually something to lose. Given the state of officiating in the league, the more attention brought to it the better. It’s a billion dollar industry that needs to do a lot more to protect the integrity of their product than what they’ve done so far. Between the PI on Milano, the lack of personal foul calls on the crap happening to Allen, and the lack of PI on the throw to Jones that was overturned the refs directly influenced the outcome of the game. It felt like watching LSU-A&M all over again.
  15. I ordered the ? instead of the ?. That guy over there ordered the ?, and he’s gotten his food already. The people next to me keep commenting on that guy’s ?, saying how delicious it looks. I can’t actually see the ?, but just look at him, the guy is enjoying his meal SO MUCH. Damn, I’m such a loser. Even though this place is known for the ?, and what I really wanted was ?, I should have gotten the ?.
  16. ‘Cattle in the closet’... wouldn’t that make it the #metoo mooooooovment?
  17. Let’s hope the similarities end on the field and that Allen isn’t spotted over the summer with his posse playing BMOC and cruising the ladies in the bathrooms of Wyoming frat parties.
  18. Word on the street (though it’s never been substantiated) is that dessert is delivery only, and it’s best if you have witnesses/backup onhand when it’s dropped off, just in case.
  19. Maybe so, but Ramsey is in his third year, so in this hypothetical scenario presumably you'd have to trade draft picks if you were to acquire him. That is unless we're playing by Madden rules, in which case we'd just trade them Kelvin Benjamin and a bag of dirty jockstraps and extend his contract by agreeing to pay him in compliments to fluff his enormous ego and cutting him a deal to ensure that he is the next Massengil spokesperson.
  20. Whatever incremental improvement he brings to our defense would benefit our OL or WR corpse how? (yes, it was intentional...)
  21. It’s a common, if not widely accepted, colloquialism. Terrell Owens? “I love me some me”? Ring any bells?
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