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Everything posted by transient

  1. Ryan Tannehill Sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks Tannehill suu-uucks
  2. Eiffert is the least of their worries. If Munoz can keep Esiason clean and Collinsworth has a big day that would open things up for Ickey, who is primed for a huge game... the Steelers could be in serious trouble.
  3. From the top down, the changes that were made since McDermott entered the building were done with an eye towards the future. 2019 will be the first time since the Polian years that the team has been aligned on the field and in the FO, with a solid foundation in place and a healthy cap situation with no giant albatross contracts or dead money hamstringing them. It’s not an accident. Regarding the current step back, anyone with common sense and a hint of objectivity could see this season coming. As much as it sucks to burn a season, it wasn’t a surprise. Hopefully it serves as the backdrop for many good years to come. Now that the tear down is over we’ll find out whether or not he is the right person moving forward. I like the direction the team is moving and the vibe of the “culture change,” but I’ve thought that before. We’ll know in 2019 IMO.
  4. The current rule is fine. Look at it in the simplest terms; in addition to a punt, turnover, turnover on downs, or field goal, the goal lines demarcate the term of possession. Cross one and the term ends, whether by scoring a TD (with subsequent attempt at extra point(s)), giving up a safety, or turning over the ball due to carelessness. The game is played between the lines.
  5. Didn’t read through the whole thread but I gotta believe this is because no one, and I mean NO ONE... ok, except maybe Walter White... cooks a better meth in Bills royal blue than Jesse “Matt Barkley” Pinkman.
  6. I thought Joe Webb took his package to Houston?
  7. Trust me, I get it. In a perfect world Robert Kraft has signed some legal document in a drunken stupor that guarantees Brady the starting job for as long as he wants it and the combination of Brady's hubris and kale smoothie zombified brain has him convinced that can play until 60. The cherry on top would be if, as final fulfillment of his contract upon collection of his soul, the personal hell that Belichick's relegated to turns out to be that he's obligated to coach the team until Brady retires AND for every hour he spends in a day that is coaching related he's required to spend an equal amount of time in front of the media. This should guarantee that not only is their legacy tarnished, but the next 20 years of absolutely awful football should completely obliterate the last 20 years from Patriots*** fans' memory, especially with how quickly they're known to jump off a bandwagon.
  8. I'd settle for a career ending sprained vajajay after throwing a garbage time interception in a blowout loss to the Bills in Foxoboro next week.
  9. Replace officials with those stupid Fox CGI robots and make all fouls punishable by death. The game will suffer but the capital punishment will increase ratings and therefore increase revenue, which is what really matters. As an added bonus, given that they’re executing players on the field, owners can probably stop spending money to make people think they care about players’ health. Keeping more money in the owners’ pockets, while it’s probably not that much in the grand scheme of things, will make Jerry Jones happy and therefore he’ll probably be less prone to nonsensical rambling at the owners meetings... and let’s face it, less crap coming from Jerruh’s mouth is a win for everyone. In a few years, with the money they save, they should be able to create some sort of neutral site, universal, automated playing field that they can control. Then they can morph the game into some Hunger Games-Thunderdome-Rollerball-Gladiator hybrid that sucks as a sport. Ultimately, we won’t care because we will be so devolved by that point that the promise of watching acts of indecency and inhumanity will keep us drooling in our seats while Alexa repeatedly asks us every few minutes if we’d like to buy the various things that owners are prominently advertising In these contests, taking the slightest hesitation as a “yes” unless we were able to stay focused long enough to read the fine print and opt out ahead of time. Or maybe they should just spend the money, get better officials, do a better job of conveying what they expect of officials, and then do a better job of overseeing them to making sure that’s what they’re getting instead of letting their cheap-ass approach ruin their multibillion dollar game. Then again, who’s to say they’re not getting what they want? Maybe they’ve seen that, despite the crappy officiating, ratings are up and people are talking. Why do anything until their hand is forced.? ...that took a turn, huh? Yeesh! What the hell do I know, anyway?
  10. Fitz didn’t have a choice but to dive head first. Physics dictates that his center of gravity is decidedly forward of most bipeds due the forward momentum of that freakishly large head.
  11. I would prefer a fine wine, or a fine scotch, or even a fine cigar. However, if your going to enjoy a douche bag, it might as well be a fine douche bag. I have often heard the King say, 'Give me a sandwich and a douchebag and there is nothing I cannot do'!
  12. There isn’t by chance a Williams Phillips McKittrick in this draft, is there?
  13. NO! If he takes the Raiders’ GM position who’s gonna return punts for us the rest of the season?
  14. Must be a mistake. I don’t see the “They suck” option?
  15. The only recipe you’ll find in this thread is one for disaster.
  16. I ate fiberglass insulation. It wasn’t cotton candy like the guy said... my tummy itches.
  17. Blasphemy! The Ringer is quite possibly Johnny Knoxville’s finest work!
  18. The “Elway offered him a contract” story is a bit misleading when you actually look at the timeline, as it was when Kaepernick was still with the 49ers, not after he opted out of his deal: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/john-elway-blames-colin-kaepernick-for-no-job-had-his-chance-to-be-here-omits-key-fact/amp/ https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/broncos-john-elway-on-trading-for-49ers-colin-kaepernick-its-dormant/
  19. He’s definitely fun to watch, and has all the potential in the world, but I’m in the “too soon to tell” crowd. While I’m optimistic, I’ll reserve judgment until he finally announces who will present him for his HOF induction.
  20. Heard? What, were you “sounding it out” as you read it? If so, I mean, who am I to argue your point? I imagine Saskatchewan gives lots of people trouble.
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