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Everything posted by transient

  1. You could always give it to a homeless guy along with some muffin stumps, chicken skins, and lobster shells.
  2. I’d argue all but 1. Peterman proved to anyone who was watching that he didn’t have an NFL arm with that sideline pick that Ramsey managed to pull in despite tripping over himself and nearly falling, and yet inexplicably they still needed 8+ qtrs of meaningful game action before they finally, mercifully cut his ass.
  3. It depends entirely on the game, what’s at stake, and who I’d be watching it with. This season and countless recent seasons I’d prefer to be at a bar or at the game because they’ve rarely been meaningful games and I don’t mind missing some of the details for the camaraderie. In the heat of a push to get into the playoffs or during an actual playoff run I’d rather be at home either by myself or with a couple friends who are similarly invested in the game and get similarly ornery with interruptions.
  4. The Jets and Dolphins are effed up enough on their own. If it's going to be the AFCE can't it be the Patriots*****. That would be the ultimate revenge. If he can't beat them, join them... and let his off-the-rails s***show corrupt them from the inside out.
  5. What’s all the fuss about? When Allen throws for 30 TDs and rushes for 15 more he’ll still be 7 shy of Mahomes 2018... the big dumb loser.
  6. While the moves didn't work out, consider the risk/benefit on a team that was strapped for WR talent and cap space: Benjamin was a former 1st round pick that had 1000 yds in his rookie season and then nearly a 1000 yds after coming back from an an ACL tear. At the time they traded a 3rd and 7th they thought they were getting a possession receiver with a big catch radius who had a proven track record in the league and whom they were familiar with. You could argue whether a team in a rebuild should spend the draft capital on him, which is a legitimate argument, but had he lived up to those two aforementioned seasons a 3rd and 7th would have been worth it and they likely would have extended him moving forward. I don't remember anybody thinking things were going to turn out the way they did this season when we first acquired him. Vontae Davis was a former 1st round pick who had previously played at a Pro Bowl level, though had fallen off the season prior to his groin injury/surgery. Considering what was available and at what cost at CB, it was a one year $5M gamble on a vet with something to prove. At one time Corey Coleman was a 1st round talent (at least in the Browns eyes) that the WR starved Bills "tried out" for a 7th in 2020 and had the good sense to cut ties with when it became apparent that there was a good reason the Browns soured on him. While none of the moves worked out, they were all low risk/high reward at positions of need and none of the contracts/costs impacted the cap for next year. That MO of filling spots with low risk/high reward players without impacting seasons beyond 2018 has been a common thread for most players that Beane traded for/signed outside of Murphy, Star, and other pieces he presumably sees as part of the core. He also managed to get the Browns to eat all of TT's contract for the first pick in the 3rd round... Unlike Whaley, whom I didn't dislike but whom I agree with many was too frivolous with the future of the team with respect to draft picks and bad contracts, McD and Beane give me the impression that they have positions and players that they give priority to but to whom they assign an absolute value and are therefore not likely to over-extend themselves on because of their eye on the present AND the future. I suspect that's why they were stuck with AJM as their short term solution at QB in the second day of FA, because they weren't willing to overpay for questionable value (a-hem, I'm looking at you Minnesota and Denver). If they actually thought this team could contend for something this year I suspect this might have looked a bit different. This brings me to the one thing that actually does worry me above all else about them this past season, which is the way they handled the QB situation. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt as I said above, but it's the QB position for ****'s sake. I don't blame them for getting what they could for AJM... how can you justify keeping a vet who was the worst player on the field for three quarters of the last preseason game when someone is actually stupid enough (a-hem, I'm looking at you Chucky) to give you a draft pick for him. What I do blame them for is waiting until October to address the backup QB spot when 1) there was all of 3 regular season games of experience in the QB room, none of which was good experience, and 2) NP had obviously finally, after working ridiculously hard to do so, completely lost their trust in him in the first half of the first game of the year. Allen has looked like a completely different player since getting some veteran guidance to lean on. This was no small shortsightedness IMO, and was pretty damning. At the close of the 2018 season I am hopeful that Allen will be THE man, and that Edmunds will be the man on D. I think there is a lot to like about the way McD either gets maximum effort out of his players or he gets them out of the locker room, and I think he overachieved both this year and last with the talent at hand, regardless of whether or not one argues that the talent shortage was in part his and Beane's own doing. I think Beane has taken some calculated risks that didn't pan out, but that ultimately didn't hurt the 2019 season and beyond. I also think he's made some core acquisitions that I am reserving judgement on and waiting to see what they look like when he's not trying to piece together the rest of the roster around what turned out to be $70M in dead cap space by the end of the season. I think from a draft perspective, we've seen more contribution from the last 2 draft classes than we have in a while, and that needs to continue. I think the ~easy~ (but necessary) part of this rebuild is done. The house is down to the studs, they've had their time to see inside the walls, clean out the rot, determine what is salvageable, and start to acquire some of the building materials. The cap is set, the roster has been purged of players with bloated contracts and questionable effort, and they have their QB and MLB in place. They have the money and the draft capital. No more excuses. There are now expectations to win, and now is when we'll find out if McD and Beane are the right ones to see it through. It has to be all on an upward trend from here. The stupid/sloppy drive killing penalties have to disappear. The stretches of games where the wheels come off and teams run all over us have to disappear. McD has to figure out how to challenge a play without looking like a total amateur. Beane has to start to show he can build a team in a way that allows for inevitable roster turnover while holding on to key guys in their prime and planning for the departure of key guys passing their prime without jacking up the cap again. The talent level on the team has to be noticeably improved next year, especially on the OL, at TE, and WR. In my mind they need to at least be 9-7 or 10-6 next season and make the playoffs, significant injuries notwithstanding. I don't see them being able to turn over the OL and WR corps to completion in 2019 given what's available in FA, and if they draft players I don't see them reaching their full impact in 2019 (at least I hope they wouldn't). Two years from now, at the least, they need to be poised to take the AFCE. If Allen doesn't get injured this year, his WR's looked more like WR's and less like basketball backboards for the first 3/4 of the season, and Clay doesn't run to the back of the endzone like it's a freaking Techmo Bowl play when they only needed 10 yards and a first down in the first Miami game they could have easily been 8-8, so this isn't asking a lot, IMO. I'm expecting the team to take a big step forward next year, and I'm reasonably confident that McD and Beane are the right ones to get them to do it.
  7. And then between takes when he thought the cameras weren't rolling he went on a 10 minute tirade about how unprofessional and incompetent Bieniemy was to fall asleep in the first place.
  8. I'm gonna go with ones that aren't defiling the owner's daughter. This way they can actually cut him if/when he sucks.
  9. C’mon man. You know it was a typo. Based on the Insta-twit... or whatever it was... I’m guessing the OP just spelled Trollbridge wrong. I’ll take a crack at it. I’m assuming it means some no-name scrub will be working at the Post Office in 2019.
  10. Are you sure about that? Have you seen him throw short dump offs this season? Thankfully the one to Kyle was on target yesterday.
  11. I don’t think it’s a slump. It seems like Hauschka’s been kicking with a bad hip from the blind cheap shot by Anderson in the Jets game. Presumably that’s why he can’t get the ball through the end zone on kickoffs in addition to repeatedly coming up short on 40 yarders.
  12. Bill Cowler... wasn’t he the professional wrestler that beat up Andy Kaufman?
  13. Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident.
  14. Are you sure it didn’t say he was being considered for a GM position at a Raising Cane’s?
  15. You fell victim to one of the classic blunders
  16. Chip you can’t shake *** But you spared us from Kiko Thanks Kelly, you putz
  17. Phillips is the new Williams. I do not think that word means what you think it means.
  18. Maybe they can bring Rob Riggle or Frank Caliendo in to run the marketing side of things while they’re at it. Don’t matter if it’s father or son, Davis gon’ Davis.
  19. Saints by domestic partnership... I’m looking forward to the party down here if they win it, as well. You seem like you’d be tons of fun at a game night.
  20. Makes you wonder what the Dolphins fan near the tunnel today could get for the helmet?
  21. Meh, it’s certainly no Tre White goalie academy. Throwing to crap receivers doesn’t absolve him of his poor judgment or rag arm. He’s not an NFL QB... I’m not certain he has even CFL arm talent, honestly. The wider field would make sideline throws an absolute impossibility for him.
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