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Everything posted by transient

  1. A tweet from Sean Salisbury suggests it was a heart attack.
  2. I don't know about player, but I'd vote Marv for one of the most overrated Bills personnel of all time. He managed the egos of his team well and was a master motivator, but Polian gave him HOF talent on both sides of the ball and you can make an argument he underachieved with it because he was not a big game coach. He was either too oblivious, too stubborn, or too arrogant to realize he had to change up the game plan against an equally talented opponent; instead 4 years in a row he assumed his team could just "out-execute" the NFC champs like they could the rest of a soft AFC. He also squandered the defensive talent on that team for far too long by retaining Walt Corey and his infamous "read and react " passive defensive style when they should have been dictating to the opponent on both sides of the ball.
  3. Was he saying he played for Cornell or Lazor? Lazor was the QB of the Big Red when I was an undergrad there, between ‘90-94; not sure if he was there the exact same time or just overlapped a few years.
  4. http://buffalonews.com/2019/01/25/buffalo-bills-jim-kelly-josh-allen-pro-bowl-kyle-williams-one-on-one-coverage-vic-carucci-nfl-football/ ‘“I already have two plates and 10 screws in my back now. I’ve got a plate and six screws in my neck. Now I’m having another back surgery. I go, ‘Come on, Lord! Please, no more.’ It is what it is. You just have to keep fighting through it. I pray every day that one of these days, I will be pain-free. So far, that hasn’t been my case in many, many years.”’ - Yeah, sounds like Kelly's doing just fine alright...
  5. So, in essence, he's suing the league because the outcome of Sunday's game turned everybody into Bills fans? Can I get grandfathered in on that action?
  6. Must be an epidemic. I think someone must have lasered the entire Saints-Rams officiating crew in the eyes a few times Sunday afternoon as well.
  7. If faced with the prospect of saving the planet from imminent destruction at the cost of the Patriots***** winning yet another Super Bowl... ya know, we all gotta go sometime.
  8. Every team I root for gets karmically ####ed or ends up taking a giant dump on themselves when the pressure’s on, or both. Go Patriots*****!
  9. I’m so done with the NFL. It’s so obvious they wanted the Rams in the Super Bowl. How else can you explain Sean Peyton’s #####y, arrogant play calling leaving the Rams with an extra timeout and 1:41 left on the clock after they kicked the FG. Yes, the helmet to helmet and missed PI were horrible, but Peyton did his team no favors at the end of the game.
  10. Wait a second... what kinda Twighlight Zone #### is going on here? I posted this in the thread about the game you knew when a Bills HC wasn’t gonna cut it. Lucy... you got some ‘splaining to do!
  11. The second I saw Wade Phillips on the sidelines without headphones on I knew we were screwed.
  12. I'll see your Shaud Williams and raise you Mike Tolbert.
  13. I want Beane to get the most absolute value he can out of this top 10 pick, whether that's landing a blue chip player or swindling some extra picks. It’s gonna be the last top 10 pick he's going to get for a while without having to trade up for it.
  14. In reading numerous posts I'm not so certain Oscar was commenting on the hiring... there's a good chance he was just looking around and commenting on his surroundings before heading off to pee in Grover's Wheaties.
  15. I think you should change your screen name to "hottakestime"
  16. Retirement better watch out, then. It's about to get a cheap shot to the back of the head from a neanderthal wearing a brass knuckles inspired elbow brace. Here's hoping no one told him about the danger inherent in eating Tide Pods.
  17. Thanks. Wes has been a little distant lately. This should really make him jealous.
  18. Chargers just gonna have to take care of business, then.
  19. If the Bills win the Super Bowl I probably won't be in the mood to beat anyone, but if I had to choose any random Pats***** fan would do. Hopefully it's not the Lions. I'd prefer an actual Super Bowl win instead of an imaginary one. The idea of Detroit winning a playoff game, let alone making it to the Super Bowl, is pure fantasy. Wild Card: Bye Divisional: Home game against the Patriots*****; Brady get's Allen Hurns'd by Tremaine Edmunds in a blowout on the last play of the game while putting in a Petermanesque performance. Conference: Home game against the Chiefs just so Allen can out-duel Mahomes and put the haters to bed. Super Bowl LIV: Saints, so I can talk my wife into buying tickets and heading to Miami for the game; and so I can rub her nose in it when they lose... on second thought, anyone but the Saints. That just seems like a lifetime of ill will that I don't need, especially since I can be a bit of an ####### and I won't be able to stop myself from rubbing her nose in it for eternity when the Bills win. Instead LA Rams, Philadelphia Eagles, or Chicago Bears just so we can thump our chests about who has the better young QB.
  20. ...not that there's anything wrong with that. What do you think gives it away? It's the hair, isn't it?
  21. So would Cornelius Bennett get a 0-5.9 grade?
  22. Too lazy to look myself. Are the NFL and the NFLPA separate entities? His shirts have the NFLPA logo on them. How about weakness in the armor?
  23. I’ve lived outside of Detroit, in Houston, and now in New Orleans. Was mostly indifferent about Lions and Texans, kinda like the locals. I watch Saints games with interest as my wife and her family are New Orleanians and the city lives and dies with the team, much like Buffalo. Their success is not something I’m emotionally invested in as I am with the Bills, however, and I can’t imagine a day when it ever would be. I also find their fans to be a bit delusional at times, kinda like the SNL Chicago superfans without the same perceived football knowledge.
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